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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Sam - I've heard you mention him several times off and on through the years, to the point it doesn't freak me out any more (that says a lot!). I'm glad that you've found a way to live peacefully with him, and that it's a minor annoyance. You might want to try to figure out what the chalk substance is, to determine if it's something you can eliminate from the house. Take it away from him so he can't spread it all over the place.
  2. That's fair. Thanks for clarifying.
  3. Must be a setting in your browser, because I've never seen that before. And I'm often disabling shockwave for testing purposes.
  4. Sounds like a plan! Let us know what you find out. Thanks!
  5. Wow Flukeman, never have I heard such bold statements from somebody who has never even met them! I have - several times - and have been friends with Ike for over 11 years. Been fishing with him several times in fact. I'm not bragging, just letting you know that I know him quite well. And I can tell you wholeheartedly that you're way off base about Ike. If you don't like him, which it sounds like you don't, that's fine. Knock yourself out. But please refrain from making blanket statements and assumptions about somebody you've never met.
  6. I've never seen such a popup because the Google toolbar blocks them. Many other toolbars and anti-malware programs do the same, so the popup won't always appear.
  7. I hear ya, Linewinder. I have yet to see a fishing ad with a woman featured in it, let alone a fishing show. TV commercials and magazine ads have all males in them - no women. Have you seen a woman driving a boat or truck in any ads? Nope. Haven't seen very many articles in magazines that feature a woman (such as "A Day On the Lake"), or any tv shows that portray women the same as men (like "The Bass Pros"). No female fishing hosts either. There's heavy media portrayment of men in fishing, very few of women, if at all. And people say women are equal in this sport? :-/
  8. If you turn shockwave off (instead of enabling it per my directions above), you'll get the same error message. :
  9. Big O said well earlier, and it's worth reading again. It sounds like Skeety is pushing in this direction, so he shouldn't be faulted for it. To that extent, I'm going to end this thread if it goes downhill even further. Keep it civil guys.
  10. Temps will be around 60 again today. We've have very few days below 35 this "winter". I've mowed the lawn 3 times already. We've gone straight from Fall to Spring here.
  11. I don't want to make any promises, so take this with a grain of salt. But as it stands today, there's a distinct possibility that Kevin VanDam, Gerald Swindle, Mike Iaconelli, and Dave Wolak will be making an appearance. Everyone wants to do it, and their sponsors are all for it. So now it's just a matter of if their schedules will permit it. Again, no promises, but I wanted to let everyone know in case you decide not to go, and then find out later you missed out when you could have gone!
  12. Speaking of dead topics, I think this thing has run it's course, so to speak.
  13. Ya....that's the ticket! :
  14. No, I wouldn't go head-to-head against your massive knowledge base. But I WOULD catch up on the thread, rather than bring up some dead subject from pages ago. We already decided that was a moot point. Keep Up! ;D
  15. Just a reminder for those of you contemplating the road trip. On March 15 the rooms we have blocked for the attendees will be released to to the general public. It's go or stay home time for those of you sitting on the fence!
  16. You have Javascript turned on already. Otherwise you couldn't view this forum. It sounds like you have flash disabled for some reason. To check, go to: Tools > Manage add-ons > Enable or Disable add-ons. Look for "Shockwave" or "Shockwave Flash Object". Click on it once, then look at "settings" beneath the list of names. "Enabled" should be checked (the dot next to it). If it's not checked, then click "enabled" and save it. If it is checked, then back out of it, remove flash from your computer (via control panel), and reinstall Flash from Adobe's site. It should work now.
  17. So I was going off memory and I was wrong about Derrick. Big deal. Still doesn't negate the fact that there are many races won due to fuel management and strategy. But this time I will NOT get into that tangent!
  18. Too bad. I'm going to ask it in every one of them from now on just to annoy you! 8-)
  19. It's too bad you guys have to hate her so much. It's really sad, actually. I'm not saying she should be placed on a pedastal either, but I don't think the hatred is warranted. She's certainly not the first woman to drive a racecar (cup or otherwise), and certainly not the last. She is indeed one of the few formula drivers to make the crossover - none of which became an instant success (funny how nobody is mentioning the hype that surround Montoya when he made the switch, even though he bombed out of the starting gate). But time will eventually tell if she made the right decision for her career. In the mean time, all you haters should at least take a wait-n-see approach, instead of bashing her with only a few races under her belt. P.S. As for Cope, he got all the "hype" that was available some 25 years ago, being a no-name from Washington state that suddenly won the Daytona 500. NASCAR's marketing machine is different today, so you can't compare apples-to-apples.
  20. The Daytona 500. He won because you-know-who played his cards wrong and ran out of gas on the final lap. Derek passed him on turns 3/4 to win, because he and his crew chief made the right strategic moves to have the fuel to make it to the finish. Geez guys...look it up! Don't pull this "prove it" stuff. >
  21. Hmmm...that's a new concept to me. Sounds intriguing.
  22. Those are some fantastic sponsors! Congratulations!
  23. Anybody who's followed NASCAR would start with Derek Cope and go from there.
  24. Welcome Home!
  25. Welcome Home! Now please read the FAQ's. 8-)
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