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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Oh boy....here we go. It's that time of year again. We get posts like this every single year, ranging from "is it ethical" to "does it destroy a fishery" to "it should be outlawed". Please do a search if these topics interest you. It's not that I want to squash these conversations, but the fact is, they've been hashed and re-hashed countless times here before. So there's a lot of info available to you already. Click the "search" tab above, and set the date range longer than a year. You'll get plenty of reading material. 8-) Enjoy!
  2. Please conserve exclamation points.
  3. Hmm.... this "I'm right and you're wrong" thing just rubs me the wrong way. It's fishing folks. It's supposed to be fun! So let's back down from our stances and move on now.
  4. It's the percentage of total fish caught. And trust me, you don't want to be "that guy".
  5. and discusses big changes coming soon to FLW... http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/flw-letter-10.html
  6. It's not that we think it's inappropriate. It's because people cannot leave the politics out of it. Sorry folks. We really tried to leave it open, and it got ugly really quick. So I'm closing this one down too. It's only a matter of time for somebody to bring in politics on this topic and start slinging mud. Happens 100% of the time, hence the "no politics" rule.
  7. Wow guys, it took 30 mins for this thread to spiral downward into a political attack. Posts removed, thread locked, let's move on. Sorry, but ya'll just proved why we cannot have even the slightest hint of political topics here, regardless of merit.
  8. Can you post a picture of what you're talking about? I'm not sure I understand your description.
  9. Check out this new video featuring Alton Jones - http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/alton-jones.html
  10. Well, since my sister works at one of the largest companies in the world, and is in charge of one of many of their "automated" phone systems (which, by the way, utilizes voice recognition technology), I can tell you that the properly installed system actually helps you get the service you need faster and more efficiently. Yes, they save the company money, but the real benefit is a better customer experience. Again, that's a system that's been implemented and maintained correctly. Sadly, government agencies don't have the budget nor staff to integrate such a system, so you get a frustrating experience instead. Note, too, that pressing "0" a lot of times ends up with you getting transferred all over hill-and-dale in an attempt to get you to the right person. I only wanted to post this in defense of the people who work very hard to create and deploy terrific phone systems that create great customer experiences. They're few and far between, but deserve credit where credit is due, instead of sweeping them under general categorizations regarding poor systems.
  11. Cart7t - in our state, you must have a permit to run a tournament, which costs $$ depending on size of the tournament. Also, organizations are restricted to 7 tournaments a year; bodies of water can only have a total 2 tournament weekends per month held on them; and if the mortality rate is over 10%, the tournament is OVER. All - That last part is, I believe, the most beneficial rule I've seen in eons. There's only a handful of states that have such a rule, but I feel every state must have them! You want anglers to do better at catch and release? Implement that rule and you will notice an immediate difference!
  12. Welcome Home!
  13. Welcome Home!
  14. Welcome Home!
  15. Welcome Home!
  16. Welcome Home!
  17. Welcome Home!
  18. Welcome Home!
  19. Let me set the record straight on this - nobody is talking about ending anything. At least not me. And since I make the final decision, you can bank on that. That said, the reality is we're most likely going to have to scale way back this year, unless Mike suddenly gets a windfall of paid registrations in his mailbox by March 15th. As it stands, there's not that many people going, and a good chunk of them can only stay a few days. This means there's just not enough numbers to justify the giveaways, raffles, speakers, banquet, etc. So it wouldn't mean we're "cancelling" the event. We'd just be scaling back. The plus side is that your $50 registration would be refunded. Again, that's the writing on the wall as it stands today. If we suddenly get about 20 people registered, things will change. Promises to attend don't mean anything. A paid registration in Mike's hand is the only thing that counts. So if you're planning on attending, get that registration to him by March 15th! 8-) Understand the reduced attendance in in no way a reflection on the quality of the event, or an indication of lack-of-interest. It's quite the opposite, actually. But the reality is, the economy has hit everyone hard, and a trip like this just isn't feasible for many people this year. But we still want it to be a fun time for those that can attend. So that means we scale it back this year, and shoot to bring it back into full swing next year. Hope that helps! Glenn
  20. Ya, but what's the best rod and reel for it? Which fluorocarbon line would you use?
  21. This should help you out: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/spinnerbaits-bass-fishing.html 8-)
  22. Glad to have you here. We appreciate the kind words.
  23. Thanks guys. We appreciate the kind words.
  24. I think you're missing the point. Fact is, there's a good-sized segment of the bass fishing population that are women. However, that's not being represented in the media. It has nothing to do with tournament wins, or who earned what. It's about honest representation of the demographic makeup. For that matter, there's a lot of blacks, Asians, Hispanics, etc. that are avid anglers too, yet you don't see see them represented in the fishing media at all. It's rather embarrassing.
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