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    Hey Fellas

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  10. http://igfa.org/
  11. Learn a few things about Aaron Martens that you never knew before! http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/aaron-martens.html
  12. Ok, so take a deep breath, relax, and listen to me this time.... The study you read does indeed confirm taking ONE bass off a bed pretty means means the end of those eggs. That's it. There's nothing in your article that says anything about it harming the fishery overall - not even in mass quantities. That said, many anglers taking fish off beds still isn't enough to overcome nature. If that were the case, than most bass lakes with heavy tournament pressure would have been depleted years ago. Fact is, they'd need to take out thousands of beds - thousands every week - in order to do any harm. Truth is, there's a heck of a lot more beds and spawning areas than most anglers realize. Your assumptions have no basis, other than your own hypothesis...a guess...based upon what you believe to be a logical assumption. Unfortunately, it's simply not true. But it does point out that you need to read up on a lot more information about fishery management to fully understand what I'm saying. Please, please, please, stop jumping to conclusions that a whole fishery will be harmed based upon your one article and your unproven guesses. Or, shall I say, your guesses have already been proven invalid by previous studies. I'm so glad biologists make the regulations, rather than laymen. They focus on facts, not assumptions. And let's make this really clear, in this instance, I'm not stating my opion. I'm stating fact. So it's pointless to argue with me. Bone up on your reading if you don't believe me. I fact, I encourage it. The more myths that are debunked, the better off all anglers will be. Here's a start: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/about.html#fish btw - I'm done here. If you still refuse to believe me, please do more research. I can't fight emotions with facts. That's why you can't argue with members of PETA.
  13. From the "Best Of BassResource.com" sticky, I give you everything you ever wanted to know about the Carolina Rig: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1120348381
  14. It's fine. Enjoy!
  15. SkeetyCCTX - There's been many studies done regarding tournament fishing during the spawn. A lot of those studies were done to "prove" how detrimental bed fishing is to a fishery. However, none of those studies proved that theory. In fact, they did just the opposite. They showed there's no detrimental effects of bed fishing during tournaments. Now, before you go off with your emotiones, know this: yes, it's true a bed could be decimated by predators if a guarding bass is pulled off a bed. Nobody is arguing that. It can and does happen. That said, nature has a way of taking care of itself. Under normal circumstances (no interference by man), an overwhelming majority of eggs and fry are consumed before ever reaching fingerling status - the numbers are staggering. This is due, in part, because the purpose of these eggs and fry are to feed the predators. If all the eggs made it to maturity, the whole ecosystem would turn on its head. In response to this, nature designs the spawn to overcome those odds by having the bass create massive numbers of eggs/fry. Massive. Not only that, but the spawn is spread out over the course of weeks and months. This is nature's way of ensuring enough fry survive to keep the bass population going. So, when it comes to tournament fishing during the spawn, nature has greatly stacked the odds in her favor such that anglers simply can't decimate a fishery from pulling bass off beds - unless they do it every day for every bed over the course of months. This is why those studies showed that there's no detrimental effects, and is why anglers are allowed to fish during the spawn. As for states that close the fishery during the spawn, that is enacted by politicians and not biologists. For furthr information this topic, please see: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/bass-fishing-fish-biology.html
  16. I use regular car wash soap to wash the boat, and use BTS to protect it - you can use it on fiberglass, plexiglass, vinyl, etc. It's a high tech formula that stops fading, discoloration and mold/mildew staining. Makes the boat look brand new! BTS now has a boat wash too. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but I bet it's one heck of a product. http://www.btsproducts.com/
  17. Welcome! Glad you're here!
  18. Ok guys, this post was started for informational purposes only. I'm sorry to say, but we need to end the discussion, as there's no way to keep politics out of it. Final warning.
  19. Cool man. Bet it's looking really good now. Say hi to Eric for me will ya?
  20. Thanks guys.
  21. Thanks guys.
  22. That's ok Robert, we're still "gonna keep on lovin' you...."
  23. How would you classify the conditions at this year's Classic? Last years? Before that? What about at 3-rivers? How about the FLW championships? Maybe I'm missing the point. :-/ I guess I'm a little tripped up with this: . I'm not trying to argue or start something, but I've been covering tournaments for 14 years now, and they seem to happen almost year 'round. The spawn occurs during one, maybe 2 tournaments in any given circuit. I suppose that's going to happen when the tournament season spans 3 of 4 seasons, including spring. So I'm a little confused.
  24. Ah, the semantics police are hot on the trail. Justice is served!
  25. Depends on the state as well as individual rules. In the case of the Classic, snagging is allowed in that state as well as BASS rules. However, BASS rules prohibit snagging of bass off beds. In this case, neither angler snagged one off a bed, so they were legal. Other states ban snagging no matter the circumstance; or where states allow it, some tournament circuits prohibit it. Yep, it's confusing.
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