Ok, so take a deep breath, relax, and listen to me this time....
The study you read does indeed confirm taking ONE bass off a bed pretty means means the end of those eggs. That's it. There's nothing in your article that says anything about it harming the fishery overall - not even in mass quantities.
That said, many anglers taking fish off beds still isn't enough to overcome nature. If that were the case, than most bass lakes with heavy tournament pressure would have been depleted years ago. Fact is, they'd need to take out thousands of beds - thousands every week - in order to do any harm. Truth is, there's a heck of a lot more beds and spawning areas than most anglers realize.
Your assumptions have no basis, other than your own hypothesis...a guess...based upon what you believe to be a logical assumption. Unfortunately, it's simply not true. But it does point out that you need to read up on a lot more information about fishery management to fully understand what I'm saying.
Please, please, please, stop jumping to conclusions that a whole fishery will be harmed based upon your one article and your unproven guesses. Or, shall I say, your guesses have already been proven invalid by previous studies.
I'm so glad biologists make the regulations, rather than laymen. They focus on facts, not assumptions.
And let's make this really clear, in this instance, I'm not stating my opion. I'm stating fact. So it's pointless to argue with me. Bone up on your reading if you don't believe me. I fact, I encourage it. The more myths that are debunked, the better off all anglers will be.
Here's a start: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/about.html#fish
btw - I'm done here. If you still refuse to believe me, please do more research. I can't fight emotions with facts. That's why you can't argue with members of PETA.