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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I have a small head, so it's hard for me to find glasses that fit my face snug like they should. I went through a lot of glasses until I found Hobie polarized glasses. These things fit great, and they work really, really well. They're a bit pricey, but you're not thinking about price when you're out there fishing with them. Here's a few articles that might help you decide which is right for you: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/fishing_glasses.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/polarized_glasses.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/sunglasses.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing_lures/sunglasses.html http://www.bassresource.com/beginner/Fishing-glasses.html
  2. I have 8 baitcaster and 5 spinning outfits in the boat. There are days when I never break out a baitcaster; and many a tournament that's been won on spinning gear. I know there are some folks that hate spinning gear (including my father), but that's a minority. If you want to consistently catch bass, you need to be versatile and master both.
  3. For 4-5" grubs, I'll use a 1/8-1/4 oz darter head IF the area I'm fishing isn't rocky. Otherwise I just end up donating tackle to the lake Gods. In those cases, I'll switch to a splitshot rig with a mojo weight. In real weedy situations, I'll Texas rig them just like a worm with a bullet weight. Probably the most unconventional way I fish them is weightless. I just buzz them across the surface. It looks like a frog with less commotion.
  4. Good question. I could try to answer it, but would probably miff it, so watch this video of one of the country's top warm water biologists instead. He talks about this in the video: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/bass-fishing-fish-biology.html
  5. Scott, Ronnie, and Mike will be there. Gene probably will, but won't know for certain until the last minute.
  6. Wow! We have 2 boats? Really? Please do tell us where the other boat is because we'd sure like to see it! ;D ;D Ronnie and Kelley, thank you for the comments. The decision wasn't last minute, nor was it taken lightly. We announced this event 8 months ago, but only a handful of people had signed up by early Febuary. We saw the writing on the wall, and levied hard to get people to sign up before March 15th, but only a few more did so. It was clear that there wasn't going to be any "last minute" surge of people. So there's no reason to wait any longer to announce this change. I wanted to give folks time to decide for themselves what they wanted to do. Waiting any longer would only get people angry for giving them short notice. Again, we're not cancelling the event - just toning it down a notch. So let's not read anything more into it. Thanks! Glenn
  7. So called "common sense" doesn't stand up to proven science and research. If one isn't willing to look into the research, then there's no need to continue this discussion. I think we're done here.
  8. I wanted to give you an update regarding the roadtrip. As some of you know, the number of people attending the event this year is much lower than in recent years. This is not a sign of lowered interest, nor an indication that the event has lost its luster. Quite the opposite has happened, in fact. However, increased interest and anticipation cannot overcome the economic hardships everyone has encountered recently. The fact is, people have had to make tough decisions, and reduce their spending. This means cutting back on vacation trips and staying closer to home. I completely understand this decision and don't blame anyone at all for taking care of their families first. That's how it should be. That said, there still are a number of people planning to attend this year's event on Pickwick lake. Since the number of attendees is down to around the levels of our first road trips, I decided to hark back to those years and focus completely on the camaraderie and fishing that are the hallmark of this event. We're returning to our roots, and having the roadtrip like we did back in the early days. We will have a much more relaxed atmosphere this year by removing all structured events. This means there won't be any scheduled meals, including the banquet. Furthermore, there will not be any speakers this year, nor will we have tackle packs to give away or a raffle. Instead, attendees will be free to come and go as they please, meet and hang out with new friends, and have fun fishing! This also means anyone who sent in a registration will be refunded their money! Even though we're not doing some things this year, I'm positive it's still going to be a fantastic event. I'm certain everyone will have a great time. One other item I need to mention is that we currently have an imbalance of boaters and non-boaters. There's a lot more non-boaters than boaters, meaning space is very limited. Chances are likely three persons per boat will be the norm, with the possibly of a few going with four. While this shouldn't deter anyone, I just wanted to give you a heads up. The options for non-boaters would be: A: Find a buddy with a boat and bring him along. B: Recruit more members with boats to sign up. C: Share the rental on a pontoon boat with 4 or 5 others. D: Fish from the bank. E: Hire a guide. (in this economy I bet you could make a great deal on multiple days with shared cost) E: Any other brilliant idea you can come up with. On a final note, I want to let you know that Keri and I will not be attending the event this year. Since there isn't anything for us to orchestrate or coordinate this year, plus the fact we would be 2 non-boaters taking up backseats that our members could use, we thought it best to stay home this year and hold down the fort while the rest of the BR crew enjoys the event. Hey, somebody has to keep the rest of ya in line while the cat's away! While we're disappointed we won't be seeing some of our friends, we're confident everyone will have a terrific time with or without us. We only ask that y'all take a lot of pictures and bring home some stories! Glenn & Keri
  9. Ok folks, time to take a deep breath on this one and walk away from the computer. The "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude doesn't cut it here. Fact: 100% catch and keep is detrimental to a fishery. Fact: 100% catch and release is detrimental to a fishery. You can't, and shouldn't, have just one or the other. There needs to be a balance. This is what I've been trying to educate people about for years and years. I've put together an extensive library on this issue, and I encourage you to read up: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/about.html#fish Also, here's a great video that talks in part about the myths and facts about catch and release: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/bass-fishing-fish-biology.html Please take the time to learn about lake management and how selective harvest fits in as a tool. It's a good thing when done correctly, so please don't frown upon it. Thanks, and let's keep this conversation in a positive light! 8-)
  10. That hilarious, but oh so hard to read!
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