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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I've actually spent quite a bit of time researching this, as well as experiencing it. I won't anchor in winds that strong. Usually the waves make the boat bounce around and all you end up doing is damaging the cleat where you tie your anchor to. Instead, I let the wind push me, using the trolling motor to help guide the boat. Wind blown banks? You betcha! They can be gold mines, or total busts. You just have to try them. I know of a few banks on my local lakes that absolutely suck unless there's a strong wind blowing against them. Then it's game on! In addition to the great advice already given by many folks in this thread, here's a few articles on fishing the wind: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/fishing_in_the_wind.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/wind_fish.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bass_fishing_wind.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/wind_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/wind_bass.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/wind.html
  2. Hmmmm....I've been fishing for bass and panfish since before I could walk, so it's hard to say which was THE one. I remember catching panfish on a flatfish lure while my dad caught largemouth, and although I enjoyed it very much....I was envious. Then one day I hooked into something that was HUGE (in my mind). I remember I struggled to get it into the boat with my little spincast rod. It seemed it almost ripped the rod out of my hand. It ended up being a nice largemouth bass! It probably weighed no more than 2 lbs, but it was a goliath to me! But it wasn't the size nor the fight that got me going...it was catching the same kind of fish that DAD caught that hooked me! It scared the crap out of me, but I was proud I could do something my dad did. Fishing was a family thing back then. We fished together...went on summer trips together to fish, camp, and be kids. It was a wonderful childhood. Unfortunately, my parents divorced and my dad moved to Alaska. I got away from fishing during my teen years, but memory of the years fishing with my family brought be back to it when I turned 21. I dove headfirst into it and have been living bass fishing ever since. My dad moved back about 20 years ago, and we still go fishing together to this day. I also take my mom and sister out fishing every now and then. Some things just can't break a family apart. And I blame it all on that little 2-pounder decades ago. 8-)
  3. Thanks Raul. We use an algorithm that's unlike any other used. While it's based upon actual measurements and corresponding weights, it's still an estimation, and will never be exact due to many, many variables that cannot be predicted.
  4. Perhaps an English class or two would be helpful. :
  5. BTS - Ever use it? You should! The stuff makes your boat look good as new, and protects it better than anything I've used before (and I've tried A LOT of different products). Anybody else use it? Let us know what you think about it!
  6. Weather's been pretty crummy lately. Hopin' it gets better by time the first week of May rolls around!
  7. Check out this exclusive interview with Gary Klein. Find out who this student-of-the-sport would like to take fishing, and what he does when he's not on the water! http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/gary-klein.html
  8. I have no desire to get an I-Fad.
  9. I think that pretty much anything past or present that's made out of plastic will make the list sooner or later if this thread lives long enough. I like just about any plastic as long as it's a shade of purple.
  10. Oh my goodness kids. It's lures, not life or death. Lighten up.
  11. ???? I've had both aluminum and glass ... I don't treat my glass boat any different. If you treat the boat like stuff and bang it around, sure you will chip or scratch the gelcoat. But, most if not all aluminum boats are painted now and I wouldn't want one of those scratched up either. I agree. I spent WAY more time fixing and maintaining my aluminum boat than my fiberglass. It seemed something was always leaking somewhere (rivets), or splitting (requiring welding), or coming loose on my aluminum boat. I'm not saying fiberglass boats are maintenance free, but with a good washing and a coating of BTS, you're good to go. And with a keelshield, you can beach it most places you would with an aluminum without issues.
  12. Mine was doing the same thing. I replaced the transducer - all better now. 8-)
  13. I just read Burley's posts.
  14. Ha ha! I wish! But no, not even close. We need to have about a million per day before that will happen! ;D ;D No, we don't do this for the money (because there isn't any!) - we do it because we're passionate about it!
  15. Ya, but would you buy a Clay Aiken worm? NOT! ;D
  16. As we headed into the new year, we knew that traffic would increase. And throughout the first two months, we saw a couple of new high water marks. But we broke the bank last month. For March 2010, we hosted 350,000 unique visitors that totaled nearly 2.2 million page views. The prior record was set one year ago, with 305,000 uniques and 2 million page views. So thank you, once again, for your ongoing support of the site. And thanks to Five.Bass.Limit, LowBudgetHookers, Keri, LongMike, Alpster, Ghoti, and Roadwarrior for their help in running the site and keeping things interesting. We're honored you chose BassResource.com as as your bass fishing hangout when you're not on the water! Glenn
  17. I agree with Catt's definition, so I guess I'm "old school". I cover a lot of water searching for active bass using "power lures". But when I'm pressed into "finesse mode", I prefer tubes and 6" worms, but recently I've been getting into jigs.
  18. Stratos 375 - it appears you were not aware that women were not even ALLOWED to fish in B.A.S.S. tournaments until 1991 (if memory serves me right). Talk about discrimination! So the women said "Screw you!" and ventured off on their own and created their own circuits - and I don't blame them! And when they did finally open it up to the women, the were either already involved in other circuits, or too PO'd to care. That's why you don't see women's names in the B.A.S.S. archives. It's only now that relations are just beginning to thaw, and you're starting to see more and more women getting involved in co-ed tournaments. So your reasoning based upon "fact" is completely off-base once you understand the reasons behind your "fact". And a woman recently finished ahead of many of the top names at the Classic - that fact alone speaks volumes.
  19. I'd say go with hip boots Sounds like you have some experience with this. :
  20. Here's a few articles on dock fishing that will help you out: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/wood_bass_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/fishing_docks.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/dock-fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/dock_bass_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/skipping.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/dock_fishing.html
  21. I just got an e-mail from Bob Lusk:
  22. So I wanted to relay this story to y'all because you might get a kick out of it. After years of saving up my pennies, I was finally in the market to buy a used aluminum bass boat. Well it just so happened a lady angler in my bass club was selling hers. Now keep in mind, she was a heck of an angler, and made it a point to fish with other women (especially in tournaments) so that nobody could say her husband had anything to do with her success. So needless to say, this boat was tournament ready! Anyway, I bought the boat from her and arranged for a time to pick it up. I have to say I was just beaming as I drove home with it!! In fact, I kept seeing guys pull up along side of me and smile at me as they drove by! Man, I was on cloud nine! So I get home, and start to pour over it. I invited my sister over to check it out with me. As I'm climbing around, just marveling at this thing, my sister says, "Did you check out your license plate?". I said, "No" figuring it was one our bass club's license plate frames she was referring to. She said, "You should take a look at this". So I climbed out the boat, and that's when I saw it. The back of the boat had a big sticker on it that said "Hers" and a license plate frame said, "This is NOT my husband's boat!" ;D ;D My sister still won't let me forget about it!
  23. That's awesome man. I hope to see that more often - and soon!!
  24. Ya, this usually happens if you whack it pretty good on a rock or something. Easy to fix - once you've done it. Just remove the cap and have somebody move the foot pedal. It won't take much to figure out what gear came out of alignment. Depending on the trolling motor, you might have to unscrew a few things to reach everything, then line them all back up, and tighten them back down again. Just make sure the arrow is pointing in the right direction before you do!
  25. Agreed. If you wanted it overnight, then you should have agreed to that at the onset (and paid the extra postage). Otherwise you have no reason to complain - yet.
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