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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Welcome back!
  2. Welome Home!
  3. Welome Home!
  4. I heard long ago that WD-40 contains anise oil, which is a fish attractant. I could be wrong, however. That said, WD-40 contains a lot of other chemicals, including petroleum. So using it on lure equates to polluting your local waters. Even WD-40 says not to use it as an attractant. SO DON'T DO IT! Glenn
  5. Don't get me wrong. I'm not making fun of the guy nor saying he shouldn't sue. I'm just saying this type of thing is extremely common in the fishing business....extremely.
  6. Ok folks, here's the video. Enjoy! http://www.bassresource.com/Bass/Fishing/video/Wing-ding.FLV
  7. I wouldn't put too much into this guys. Tackle companies are notorious for *ahem* borrowing from each other...and then suing each other for it. It's a constant cat-n-mouse game. Much ado about nothing.
  8. It really hurts to lose a family member, especially one so loyal and kind. He had a good life with you guys. He's lucky to have been with such a wonderful family. Don't worry about him. He's in a great place now, just waiting for you to join him.
  9. I agree with Fish Chris on this one. Sight fishing and bed fishing are two totally different things. In my neck of the woods, the water easily has 3' visibility on a bad day, so I see bass all the time. I think it's exciting to watch how they react (or don't react) to the lure I'm presenting them. Gives me a good shot at honing in on the pattern. Just recently I happened across a pattern while flipping jigs into heavy cover. The fish wouldn't bite it, but would chase it as I reeled it back in. I quickly learned that if I killed it during that retrieve - BLAMMO! There's no way I would've figured that out had I not seen them chasing it. And I can't tell you how many times I've had a bass chase my lure that I was able to catch with another lure on a subsequent cast. Happens enough times where now I tell them (after catching them), "You showed your face!" ;D
  10. Bring 'em. You never know!
  11. Congrats man. That's sweet!
  12. Yep, I've been victim to this same problem on several occasions myself. Unfortunately the developers of the forum software haven't come up with a solution. I'll mention it to them again.
  13. We will be there Saturday.
  14. What they do makes them crooks. Deliberately causing havoc on innocent victim's computers and messing with their personal property. There's no excuse for their actions. If they were so "brilliant", they'd already have jobs.
  15. Tic Tock, Tic, Tock.
  16. People who design viruses, trojans, and malicious bots have no life whatsoever. They probably still live in the basement of their parent's house, and believe they're internet rock stars. ;D ;D
  17. I never watched the draft until this year, mainly because it was more convenient this time, but also because I knew the Hawks had a shot at having some great picks.
  18. Yep, it's hard to squeeze out in cooler temps. Conversely, the stuff shoots out like a kid with a runny nose when it's hot. ;D
  19. I think you need to understand something - the mods and I recieve complaints on a constant basis from members complaining about other members. A LOT of accusations are made back and forth. Granted there's some truth to them, but often they're exaggerated. Most people want some other member banned for, in essence, being a "terrible person". Often we get PM's from both parties stating how terrible the other person is. : In addition, we often receive requests to mediate disputes that arise from transactions in the Flea Market section. We used to receive them all the time - to the point we've implemented this policy: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1228692862 Sometimes these flareups occur publicly on the forums - which we will not tolerate. Posts that attack other members due to disputes are promptly dealt with and removed. But most of the time we get PM's alerting us to an issue - which we appreciate. However, we're brought in on the tail end of things, so there's no way for us to really filter out the exaggerations from the truths - especially in the heat of the moment. At any rate, we receive these PM's on a constant basis. So when we hear yet again how bad a person is and that so-and-so has been wronged so the other person should be kicked off the forum, we have a standard way of dealing with it: We take both parties, split them up, put them in opposite corners of the house, and sit them down facing outward. Then we tell them to either work things out amongst themselves or simply ignore each other. In addition, we may offer some advice to prevent the issue from cropping up again (like being more communicative or setting realistic expectations first, before commencing a transaction). 99% of the time that solves the problem. But in this case it didn't, so further action was taken. I trust you agree that action was the right move. Understand, too, that we're not perfect, but we try our best to maintain the peace around here. Hindsight is 20/20, so it's extremely easy to point out mistakes well after the fact. We learn from them best we can and move on. While I agree (now) that the guy shouldn't be selling anything because he cannot follow through on the deal, I stand by my actions to break up a fight and giving the parties a chance to resolve their dispute in a more amicable manner. I did the best I could given the circumstances at that time (one complaint). But once a trend was established, I took further action. That said, never will I condone somebody trying to take matters into their own hands by badmouthing another member on this forum and/or attacking him publicly, regardless of how noble or justified they feel the cause, or how "right" they may seem after the dust settles. Hope that makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions. Glenn
  20. Interesting how that was interpreted. You didn't "warn" people, you dogged the guy by posting snide comments on his threads and trying to start arguments with him. THAT'S what you guys were warned about. At the same time, I grilled him about his practices, and it seemed to me at the time he simply was not communicating with people about when things were shipped, how long it would take, etc. He was not setting clear expectations. So I made it clear to him that I did not want to hear anymore complaints about him, and that he'd better make sure he let's people know how long things will take. Well that lasted about a month, then the complaints came again. So I booted him.
  21. The painted hills of eastern Oregon.
  22. That's what I thought. Let's get back to fishing now. Moving on...
  23. Isn't copper in mufflers? I could be wrong, but I thought I saw a local news report of thieves stealing mufflers for their copper.
  24. In my neck of the woods, you need a permit to hold a tournament; and no body of water can have more than 2 weekends per month with tournaments on them. Larger bodies of water are limited to 250 TOTAL tournament boats (you can have 1 or a dozen permits, but cannot total more than 250 boats); smaller bodies of water - 35 boats. In addition, no tournament organization - bass club, circuit, charity, or otherwise - can have more than 7 permits per year. If the mortality rate reaches more than 10% of caught fish, the tournament is over BY LAW. Yup, that keeps the pressure down considerably.
  25. Well it took some sluething, but we found out what the problem was. Turns out it was a corrupted thread in the Everything Else section. We deleted the thread and haven't seen any problems since. So those "virus warnings" were triggered by the faulty script, which threw a false-positive. If somebody posted on that thread, it caused the error you all saw. We were able to reproduce the issues using that thread. Problem found and solved! Glenn
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