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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Check this out http://www.ownamancave.com
  2. What's the best prank you have ever pulled on your fishing partner?
  3. That's a sealed unit, meaning you replace the whole thing, not just the lamp.
  4. Ok, I've had about enough of this! Calling people insecure and close-minded over fishing tackle? Really? Is that what fishing is now? You guys want to debate, knock yourself out. But I will NOT tolerate name-calling and disrespectful comments! > Are we clear on this?
  5. Those carp were spawning. Carp aren't necessarily bad for the bass fishery per se, however there has been much debate about the effects of grass carp on bass fishing. Generally speaking, the grass carp do more harm than good because they tend to eat (destroy) more vegetation than originally planned. This, in turn, eliminates habitat and hiding places for forage. The forage gets eaten up, and then the bass population declines due to lack of food. Vicious cycle.
  6. [split] [link=http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1275683783/0#0][splithere][/link][splithere_end]
  7. Glenn

    WTH ?!?

    That's awesome! ;D Now if only they had a similar sign for jetskiers!
  8. I think the point here is that - for whatever reason - some people prefer brand X over brand Y. No big deal. Why should everyone like the same brand anyway? That would be....dull. However, to the extent people get into a catfight over which is better is absurd. It is, after all, just fishing. If you like brand Y, great! Let's hear why you like it. But please refrain from bashing brand X in the process. That's all I ask. Thanks! Glenn
  9. This is quickly turning into one of those "debates without answers" kind of threads.
  10. My rod's better than your rod! There. I said it. It's out there. ;D
  11. Let's cool it with the digs guys. At some point, somebody is going to get offended and take this thing a whole different direction.
  12. [split] [link=http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1275615294/0#0][splithere][/link][splithere_end]
  13. Check out this video of Randy Howell - Just Released! http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/randy-howell.html
  14. [movedhere] Global Announcements [move by] Glenn.
  15. Available oil supplies has nothing to do with gas prices. The stock market controls price per barrel for oil, not supply/demand as it should. Stock brokers buy commodities (such as oil) when the outlook of traditional stocks doesn't look as good. Note that gas prices have been falling lately, even though this leak has been occurring for awhile now. This is because investors are pulling out of oil and buying other stocks. In fact, oil supply reserves have been stuffed full for several years now, yet it has no impact on gas prices. Ergo, pumping more oil will not affect gas prices as you might think*. There's no connection. I don't claim to be an expert on the subject, but I do understand the concept that more oil doesn't equate to lower gas prices. Otherwise we would have had lower prices a long time ago. *Caveat - If OPEC decides to scale WAY back on oil production, then it could have a negative impact at the gas pump over time, but even that wouldn't be as significant as you might believe, since there's a lot of other sources of oil available now. OPEC doesn't have the power it used to have, but it can still influence the market to a degree.
  16. "Me and a buddy were fishing a creek today recently flooded by the backup of the Mississippi." Ah, a clue. Was the water really muddy? I mean really, really muddy compared to it's normal color? If so, then the bass will lighten up in color dramatically. They'll be pale in comparison to normal colors, and look "washed out". Their markings will be faint. So the black stripe will be barely noticeable. Perhaps that's what you witnessed.
  17. Welcome home!
  18. Glenn

    hi from so cal

    Welcome home!
  19. Glenn

    New in NJ

    Welcome home!
  20. Glenn

    hey from GA

    Welcome home!
  21. Hey welcome back stranger!
  22. Welcome home!
  23. It means YOUR computer is infected with a virus (malware specifically). You'll get this error message regardless of what site you're on. It seems to only affect Firefox users. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic320472.html http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-free-forum?sec=thread&act=show&id=90565
  24. 3000 lbs on a bumper hitch? :-? yes, and it it had a 300lb tongue load limit. i pulled it pretty well but now i have an expedition and i cant tell its behind me. This may get me in trouble but I just can't let it go. Come on! "I can't tell it's behind me". How many times I heard that and it's a bunch of Cr%p. You can tell when anything is hooked to the back of a vehicle unless you drunk, on crack, or drive so slow you would never know anyway. I have an F-250 SD and can tell a difference in driving and handling when I have a 15' boat attached. I disagree with you, I pull an 18ft boat behind my truck and can't tell it's there. Given I'm driving a 2500HD with a 15000lb tow rate, but still, my truck doesn't miss a beat. I do have a reese hitch, and YES, I would recommend that to anyone who is going to tow. p.s.- I don't drive drunk, on crack, and definetely not slow I have a fully rigged 520 Ranger Commanche. When I tow it with my F-250, I definitely know it's there. But with my F-450 I have to keep looking back to see if it's still there - seriously, no joke. I can't feel it and the truck acts like it's not there. You never would have convinced me before I did it. I literally had to experience it to believe it. Now I know better. It's possible.
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