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BassResource.com Administrator
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  1. [movedhere] General Bass Fishing Forum [move by] Glenn.
  2. Glenn


    Wouldn't it be fun to see the Elite anglers on Wipeout? Can you imagine KVD, K-Pink, G-Man, Ike, and Skeet running through the courses? ;D
  3. And here's the search feature: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?action=search Case closed.
  4. Get Ad-Aware and Spybot Search & Destroy. Both are free and do an excellent job of ferreting out and blocking the bad guys.
  5. Thanks for all the interest folks! I have about 10 people who have put their name in the hat. Now I need to go through them all and make a selection. Thanks again!
  6. Ok, that would be the ultimate gaming machine. Either that, or some heavy-duty rendering (video?). Nice setup!
  7. We have nothing like that built into the site. It's malware.
  8. We've got you covered. The link above and below will answer all your questions. https://store.baits.com/home.php?cat=12
  9. Yes, pictures please. Even I haven't seen these new rods yet!
  10. Ok folks, I guess you simply cannot keep politics out of this. Game over.
  11. Try Lake Fork Taxidermy. http://www.lakeforktaxidermy.com/
  12. About a 25lb salmon on a crankbait and crankbait rod rigged with 12lb line. Weeeeee!!
  13. It's finally warming up around here (but it's still been 264 days since we've had a day over 75 degrees). It's been nice enough to open up the windows at night. Problem is...I can't sleep due to the stupid nighthawks!! Oh man are they noisy, and they don't stop! All...Night...Long...their constant "chirping" kept me awake! I finally had to shut the windows and nix the idea of enjoying a cool breeze at night. If you've never heard one before, or don't know what I'm talking about, here ya go: http://identify.whatbird.com/obj/387/_/Common_Nighthawk.aspx http://enature.com/fieldguides/detail.asp?allSpecies=y&searchText=nighthawk&curGroupID=1&lgfromWhere=&curPageNum=3 Ya...try sleeping to that! OY!
  14. Hello, I am looking for one person who would like to join the BassResource.com team, right along the ranks of the moderators. This is not a new moderator position, however. This has to do with the rest of the site. Namely, the protection of copyrighted material. Since its ***, BassResource.com has vigorously defended its copyrights. The Internet makes it all too easy for somebody to copy and paste an article, in its entirety or in part, and then republish it on their website, often claiming the content as their own. This is nothing new - it's been happening since the site launched. Over the years, we have filed thousands of complaints, and won them all - sometimes resulting in the elimination of the offending sites. Several hundred have been shut down over the years as a result. I take copyright infringement seriously. Those that steal from my site, pay dearly. That said, a disturbing trend has surfaced on the Internet that involves splogs, scrapers, feeds and other technologically advanced tools that are doing this automatically at an alarming rate. Suffice to say, I cannot keep up with the volume of copyright violations. I need help. Gary (Ghoti) has done a terrific job at this over the past several year, but is no longer able to do this because his two jobs take up all his free time. He'd love to continue doing it, and it would be great if he could, but he simply doesn't have the time anymore to pursue it. So I'm looking for a volunteer who has the following qualifications: Very technically adept - experience with advanced search techniques is a must as is knowledge/experience with various web codes (HTML, Javascript, ASP, etc.). Knowledge/use of RSS feeds, Google alerts, etc. a plus. Willingness/ability to work on this daily. This is a long-term commitment. Only qualified individuals who wish to do this over the long haul will be considered. A passion for this site is a must. Knowledge of electronic copyright/trademark laws a plus, but not mandatory Must have the time available to commit to this task (approx. 10 - 15 hrs per month) I will provide you with the means/tools to seek out copyright infringement and the offenders behind them - especially those that try to hide their identity (they can't hide). You will also be given the means to shut down the sites, remove them from all the major search engines, and remove them from Google AdSense, Yahoo's Publisher Network, Microsoft Publisher Network, Commission Junction, AdBrite, etc. I will provide guidance, tools, and training every step of the way. If you like to bust the bad guys, this can be a very rewarding and fun experience - PROVIDED you understand that occasionally you WILL encounter the defiant, abusive person who believes they have a right to steal your content (because they believe everything on the Internet is free for the taking). They don't believe copyright laws apply to them. These are the ones that are fun to shut down. PM me if you're interested in becoming a proud member of the elite BassResource.com crew and help the site grow for years to come! Thanks! Glenn
  15. All - keep your trivial, petty differences out of this thread or you'll be banned. I've had it with the juvenile remarks! The mods and I shouldn't have to babysit grown adults, and we won't. We'll just kick people off the site one-by-one until the antics end. You've been warned.
  16. Never had AC (still don't, but wish I did), but had running water and a phone. We had a B&W TV until my sophomore year in high school, then finally got a color set. Got cable a few years after that - about a year after MTV came out. Man, I felt like ALL my friends had MTV and I was the LAST one to get it! LOL I can remember spending hours on the phone, limited only by how far the cord would stretch. Anyone remember those mega-stretch cords ala Napoleon Dynamite? I can remember waiting for the other party to hang up so I could use the phone (remember party lines?). I can also remember the days when you only had to give out the last 4 digits of your phone number and everyone knew what it was. I remember when the first Sony Walkman came out, and EVERYONE had to get one! I recall hearing about this new technology where they could digitize music and put it on a little disc. It was supposed to be amazing audio - unlike anything possible before - and was heralded as the death to records. I saw my first CD player at a high-end audio store. They had one CD to play, I think it was a demo supplied by the manufacturer as none were available to the public yet. It was a symphony, and although that's not my style of music, I was blown away by the quality. That was AFTER I graduated from high school! LOL!! Think about this: the majority of my professional career is built upon a technology that didn't exist when I was in college - the World Wide Web*. My how things have changed. * Yes, the Internet existed, but the WWW part (the web pages) didn't come into play until about 1991.
  17. I agree with everything stated here so far. I carry pretty much all of what's been mentioned except for the saw. Remember to have signal flares too. One item not mentioned is an adapter for your trailer plug (if you use one). I'm talking about the wire plug that connects to your truck when towing. Having a spare will turn a ruined trip into a great one.
  18. Um, actually, hate to break it to you guys, but the trailer is designed to load the boat that way. Notice how the bunks pivot up and down? That's the way they're supposed to do when loading and unloading the boat. It's not a drive-on trailer. You could break the bunks by driving the boat on. I know this because my dad's trailer for his old Terry boat does something similar. However, the entire trailer pivots up and down, not just the bunks. It's kinda cool because you can launch and load the boat virtually anywhere. No need for a ramp. They guy in the video obviously took his time with this, as you can do it relatively fast. But to his defense, it takes awhile to master. Toughest part is getting it started and heading in the right direction. Then it goes about as fast as you can crank it on. Done it many, many times myself in about half the time as him.
  19. Ok guys, I'm about ready to close this thread. Several times a day I have to come in here and remove political comments, and I'm getting sick and tired of it. Leave the political rhetoric out or we're done! >
  20. x4. You have to be versatile.
  21. re: the help From what I understand, something like 20,000 national guard troops have been offered to provide cleanup help by the gov't, but the thought is to hire folks to do it instead, apparently in an effort get people earning a paycheck again in an area hit particularly hard by unemployment. Hence the so-called "lack" of immediate help. I saw this briefly on the national news, but didn't catch who was making that call. I don't know whether or not I agree with it. I don't know enough about the benefits of an early response, or if it would even make a difference. But let's say there was. I still don't know if it's enough to outweigh a slight delay in order to hire a workforce of 20,000+ people who would otherwise struggle to put supper on the table. I guess my point is this: We may want to view things as black and white on this, but the reality is that there's a myriad of pieces in play here, making this a complex and complicated situation. Something that requires answers well beyond simple armchair quarterbacking and sideline heckling can provide.
  22. And how does this affect you?
  23. Nah. I saw a commercial for this on TV during the NASCAR race and thought I'd check it out. Pretty dang cool if you ask me. When we used to store our boat offsite, it was a royal PAIN to find a place that had enough room to manuever, AND find a spot that had wide enough doors, AND power for charging, AND 24/7 access, AND big enough, AND.... well you get the idea. This place is over the top! Heated, insulated, wi-fi, huge doors, private club.....dang!
  24. Ok, it seems like a number of folks have missed the above post. So I'm closing the thread now. G'nite Irene.
  25. I know nothing about the lake, other than it has bass and tiger musky. But I found this "rough" topo map, courtesy of the DFW: http://newmanlake.com/depth.htm I'd start on the points and the island.
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