Let's see if I can answer a few of those questions.
In all honesty, I'm a newbie at interviewing people, so I have to write down and rehearse my questions beforehand. So yes, it is somewhat scripted only because I can only remember about 10 questions to ask! LOL!! So if there's one thing I'd like to change, it'd be to get better at this so it flows more naturally.
If somebody strays off topic, I like to go with it and see where it goes. So far it's worked out pretty well.
I think this particular interview helped me immensely because I was forced to take a completely different approach, and it seemed to work. I'll remember that for next time.
The first time I did this, I had the "wow!" factor to grapple with. It was a bit overwhelming to see all the folks you see on TV there at the same time. I was extremely nervous because I didn't want to screw up. But now I've done it enough times that I'm more focused on getting a good interview (still working on that one!).
What would be "the best" interview? I'm not sure what you mean, but in the context in which the question was asked, I think you mean which one was the most exciting. That would have to be Bill Dance. I was probably THE most nervous I'd ever been not only because he's such a huge icon, but because I was completely unprepared. It went from "Hello Mr. Dance" to "Let's do a quick interview" within minutes. I'm just thankful he's so comfortable in front of the camera because while he was talking, I kept thinking to myself "I'm interviewing Bill Dance!!"
I'm such a schmuck! ;D
As for who I'd like to fish with? Boy that's a tough one. I've already been out on the water with Iaconelli a few times and with Swindle once. So I've already been blessed to have had the chance to do something most can only dream about. But I'd still jump at the chance to fish with Bill Dance, Ray Scott, Larry Nixon, Hank Parker, or Jimmy Houston. But even more so, I'd like to fish with many of the great members here! I think I'd learn a lot!