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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I've been using electric razors all my life - all shapes and sizes. Here's the one I use now: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001P5HCKK/ Best shaver I ever bought, hands down!
  2. Woo Hoo! Sounds like fun! Congratulations!
  3. C'mon Keith. I know you're capable of making your point without resorting to crass and rude comments. Not only that, but it appears you misinterpreted his remarks, so an apology is now in order.
  4. Age is personal information which some people wish to keep private. Please respect their wishes.
  5. I've done precisely that many times, despite having fish finders/GPS units with pre-loaded maps. Found a lot of stuff that not on those maps that way.
  6. Three tips: 1. Do not worry about distance. 2. Do not worry about distance. 3. Do not worry about distance. Seriously, don't try to cast into tomorrow...that will come with practice and experience. Focus on accuracy instead.
  7. If your avatar has been removed, it's because it probably was a product logo. If your post count went down without notification, then most likely a thread or two that you were actively posting on was removed. Thus, your post count would go down and your status lowered. For more information, please read the FAQs.
  8. That forum doesn't exist, nor does any of the code that was referencing it. Clear your cache and refresh your browser.
  9. Really? I haven't had a kidney stone, but I figure if I was going to have one it would been due to all the soda. I only drink water, tea, gatorade, vitamin water, fruit juices, and that about it. I occasionally drink soda when I'm eating out, but I have no soda in my fridge. I love an ice cold gatorade after a bike ride. The glacier freeze. Have you tried the gatorade pre-game drink and post-game drink? I had 'em both they are alright, the post-game drink I had was a little sweet, but it was drinkable. All I USED to drink were coffee, coke, and sports drinks. All of which contribute to kidney stones big time. If you have them in moderation along with a lot of water, you should be fine. NOW I've eliminated soft drinks and sports drinks, cut back on the coffee, and drink mostly water. Never had any problems since.
  10. I don't drink anything but water now, after I learned those sports drinks were part of the cause of my kidney stones. :-[
  11. Man, that is really stressful for you and your family. Hang in there. Prayers sent.
  12. Had 3 cards and $27K ripped off within a few hours at one time. Cleared out my bank accounts too. The banks were calling me left and right with "suspicious activity" reports. LOL! Filled out the paper work and got everything cleared up within 24 hrs. They caught the guy months later. Turns out he had 1,000's of card numbers and was selling them to crooks. One of the biggest fraud busts in history.
  13. 2 and 1, whodathunk? Yep, Qwest field is the loudest stadium in the NFL, bar none. Ain't nuthin' but a party!
  14. Glenn


    Here ya go! http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/pouring_plastic.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/pouring_plastic_worms_supplies.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/pouring_plastic_worms.html
  15. Firefox will occasionally display the ads wrong due to a widely publicized bug in Firefox regarding iframes. There's nothing I can do about that. There's only one way to display some ads, and the Firefox bug prevents it.
  16. No, the sad thing is that the NFL continues to feature them on Sunday night and Monday night football, as well as Thanksgiving. Why such a mediocre team gets so much prime time is beyond me.
  17. Sweet ride man! I have a glass boat, and often wish I had a boat like yours, just so I can get into spots my boat can't reach! Congrats!
  18. Gotta make it with double smoked bacon (or at least Fletcher's Maple Bacon) and smoked cheddar cheese! OMG!!! YUM!!
  19. Welcome home!
  20. Welcome home!
  21. Come prepared with questions to ask them. Remember, you're interviewing them as well. Worst thing you can do is accept a position simply because somebody offers it to you. Accept only the position offered by the company for which you want to work!
  22. We have it. We like it.
  23. [split] [link=http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1285021878/0#0][splithere][/link][splithere_end]
  24. Yessir. I remember when we had 1 - ME! LOL ;D Ya, LBH made those videos, and he has since moved on to other endevours. Haven't had anyone offer to make them since. Anyone interested?
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