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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. RW is here as always, and is still a Global Moderator as always. Nothing has changed. Russ is off on other ventures, but still visits here on occassion.
  2. Better start choosing a picture Scott! Oh I can't wait! LOL!
  3. Glenn


    Yesterday was full of surprises and key injuries. It really messed up fantasy football leagues across the nation! LOL!
  4. Hate to say it, but Farve went one season too long. I predict a few ints and sacks tonight. Jet's will win it as a result.
  5. Yes, it keeps updated to the minute. I have set up several locations hundreds of miles apart (fishing lakes, of course) so I can keep tabs on the current weather before I go there. It also gives you a weather overlay map of where you are. Great for tracking nearby storms to see if they're gonna hit you or not. Also have to add the Google Maps app to the list. That thing is awesome. It also has a weather overlay.
  6. Ok folks, enough with the postcount comments already. As established in our FAQ's, postcount is meaningless. Period. Moving on....
  7. Only 38M? It's lost a lot of value. Dang. I really enjoyed my visit there. You're right, the pictures don't even begin to do it justice. The 11-car garage alone is impressive. So are the stables! Why is he selling it? Lord knows he doesn't need the money. I thought he was going to turn part of it into an event business. Did that not happen?
  8. I like the Weatherbug and Facebook apps. I also like the barcode scanner.
  9. Tutorials are linked to in the FAQ's.
  10. I think you touched upon something there grimlin - "minorities" really need to get more involved in the outdoor sports. I would really love to see more blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. represented on those TV shows. Seems it's really lopsided right now. Geez...how many times can I say "really"? lol!
  11. I use it year 'round along side a splitshot rig.
  12. x10 I always remove the factory split rings on everything that comes with them.
  13. Welcome home!
  14. Welcome home!
  15. Welcome back home!
  16. Welcome home!
  17. Our boat is a floating tacklebox. LOL! We bring it all and then some! Problem is, we like to try the latest and greatest, which often means stuff that's not even available yet. It's fun to try them all out. In addition, when we're in a tournament, you just never know what will be THE thing that will get them to bite. So between the two of us, we're throwing a huge variety of lures throughout the day in order to "figure it out" (be it size, color, presentation, sound, etc). I'd hate to lose because we either didn't try it or left it at home. Bottom line: being flexible is key, and having a lot of tackle on board affords a lot of flexibility. Works for us!
  18. When I first there was a head-on, I thought there must have been a corner or something they rounded at WOT. But fog? Who the heck runs on plane in the fog? For that matter, what tournament organization blasts off in the fog? That's just insane!! I've been in many a tournament where we delayed launch until the fog cleared, which sometimes took hours. Ya, all the guys will say, "Oh we'll be careful, we promise" but all bets are off once they start getting passed up by other boats. Then the stupidy begins. Sorry, but if I were in a tournament and they decided to blast off in unsafe conditions, I'd wait (and have) until it's safe to venture out. Common sense folks.
  19. NFL Football and NASCAR Welcome back JT!
  20. Well, not put a damper on your parade, but Green Bay lost a few key players right off the bat. That and the Packers receivers just couldn't catch balls today for whatever reason. It was more of Green Bay losing it than Washington winning it.
  21. I Love Rollercoasters! That drop would be a definite rush, but there's not much after that. A few corkscrews or something would make it better. I've been skydiving before, so I know I wouldn't black out.
  22. The Cowboys are highly overrated.
  23. I'm sorry, but I just have to disagree on that. I've caught many a bass on no nothing banks, and even more on sunny days. Case-in-point, I just took 5th at a tournament 2 weeks ago throwing spinnerbaits to no-nothing banks on bluebird days. True, windy and/or cloudy days are often good spinnerbait conditions, but I certainly wouldn't limit myself to those situations. And if the fish are feeding on bare banks, they'll try to rip the spinnerbait right out of your hands!
  24. No, I like your enthusiasm as does everyone else. I wouldn't want to anything to stifle that!
  25. Nope, sorry, I can't condone this. It's against forum policy. See http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?virboard=gen_bass;num=1133376419 for more info.
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