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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Welcome home!
  2. Well, y'all can debate all you want. But when all is said and done, it all boils down to personal preference. It's fishing folks. Fishing is supposed to be fun. Let's keep it that way. 8-)
  3. You're doing a good thing. I'm proud of you. Prayers sent for your mom.
  4. [movedhere] General Bass Fishing Forum [move by] Glenn.
  5. We are absolutely against any form of illegal fishing, and will not allow any such threads or posts advocating such activity. All such posts are deleted. In addition, any material or posting that advocates or discusses illegal activities, with or without the intent to commit them, is prohibited. Any such discussion encouraging illegal activity may result in termination of Membership privileges. Catching - I suggest you contact whomever has authority over that pond and raise your concerns with them. This thread is closed.
  6. Actually, it's not equal - even for the men. BASS eliminated the Western Opens. And there's no Weekend Series out West either. Now the ONLY way anyone in the west can make it is through the federation. And as Tin noted, that may be going away too. FLW Series pulled out of the west as well for next year. So no, it's not "equal".
  7. You're looking at it all wrong. It's not that the NFC is bad, it's just that it's very difficult at the moment to pick out a clear leader in the NFC. The AFC, on the other hand has enough stand outs or weak teams (whichever you view it) that's it's relatively easy to see who the leaders are.
  8. Yes, you are correct. Both FLW and BASS have a long history of ignoring the western states. FLW has done a better job in recent years at bringing it's major series to multiple states out west, but as you noted, that too is gone now. And sorry BASS, but California is NOT the only state west of the Mississippi! Holding a couple of tournies there does not constitute a "western division". Sorry for the rant, but folks out east have a disproportionate amount of opportunities compared to the west. And with FLW pulling out, it just got worse.
  9. Stealers <-- hate them NYG 3rd is a tough call. It's practically everybody else except for Dallas and Buffalo. LOL!
  10. Kitna?! Good luck with that! *Oh where's Brent now?*
  11. Nope. They're going to get creamed. Can't wait until the TV flex schedule kicks in. I'm sick of seeing the Cowgirls on Sunday/Monday Night Football.
  12. The Raiders trounced the Broncos 59-14 in Denver and they did it without scoring a single point in the fourth quarter. The Raiders put together their most impressive offensive performance in the franchise's 50-year history. Yep, not one of Darlye Lamonica's old AFL teams ever scored that much in a game. Not one of Oakland's three Super Bowl championship teams ever scored that much either. A-maz-ing! 'Hawks won too. 22-10 in an easy win over the Cardinals. They're now 4-2 and a favorite to make the playoffs. Whodathunk? 8-) Crazy NFL season this year, eh? Oh, and next weekend? Raiders play the Seahawks. Outta be a good 'un!
  13. Great movie! ;D
  14. Been to Vegas more times than I can remember. I don't gamble either. But every major convention seems to be held there, so I go. There's quite an amazing car museum just off the strip if you're into really old and unique cars. Pretty cool, actually. Blue Man Group is also a must-see if you've never seen them before. Shows can be quite expensive, so pick one major one and get tickets ahead of your trip, then play the rest by ear once you get there. There's a lot of free entertainment too. Ceasars Palace Forum (shopping) is worth a visit. The Free Atlantis show at one end of the mall is worth the wait, trust me. Get there at least 15 mins early for a good "seat". The streetside show at Treasure Island is worth a visit if you've never been. Theatrical entertainment with pirates, babes, and explosions. What more could you want for free? The Venetian is kinda cool. Take a gondala ride or just browse the shops. Emeril has a restaraunt in there that's fantastic (Emeril's Delmonico Steakhouse). Speaking of food, the real highlight of Vegas is the outstanding restaraunts there. Seriously, some of the best food in the country can be had there, at reasonable prices. Make sure you bring enough budget for these dining experiences. You won't regret it. Above all, bring comfortable walking shoes. You will walk more than you ever expect! Enjoy!
  15. I second lake Fork. Should be relatively warm with a good chance of catching a double-digit bass. Guides and resorts abound, so you should have plenty of options.
  16. Ya, but I wonder how many of them can get a fake student ID card? Oh, and we reserve the right to call the school who issued the card for verification purposes. 8-)
  17. No jab intended. Seriously.
  18. Finally somebody with common sense speaks up! http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/10/22/kevin-mawae-sounds-off-on-increased-fines/ ...and I'm speaking about Florio, not Mawae.
  19. 34 years! Holy Cow!! I just realized something.... .... you're old! ;D J/K Congrats. That's a standard we should all aspire to.
  20. Just to clarify for some folks - you may have seen a "forbidden" message last night when attempting to access the site. Rest assured, you were not banned. It was merely some issues we were having with the server. All is well today. 8-)
  21. We're doing some work on the server, which eats up resources and causes intermittent outages. We'll be finished soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  22. Cute dog.
  23. www.animalpaintball.com
  24. Well, first off, there aren't any "new" rules, just more aggressive enforcement of the current rules. Here's an excellent article that addresses many of the points brought up here: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/10/19/ray-anderson-says-enforcement-not-rules-will-change I tend to agree.
  25. On the rise? Android sales have been outpacing iPhone sales for quite some time now because the iPhone just doesn't measure up. It's old. The iPhone has already taken a back seat. Keep up. As for the menu: the words in the green bar are not clickable. Period. It doesn't matter what phone, browser, or OS you're using to access the site. I'm working on fixing that, but it will be some time before I do.
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