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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I call 'em like I see 'em.
  2. Germany did it in WWI for 2 reasons: 1. To save coal and 2. To gain a military edge. Obviously #2 didn't work.
  3. The Raiders seem to be breaking out of their decade-old drought. Good for them! But it's still way to early to call it. I'm stll on the sidelines waiting to see whether or not this is a temporary run, or if they've really turned the corner. My 'Hawks are going through the growing pains of a rebuilding year. They're a very young organization, both on and off the field, and it shows. Hot today, cold tomorrow - very inconsistent. Such are the characteristics of a new team. They're the Sybil of the NFL. Congrats to the Raiders. It seems they've finally gotten past that growing phase.
  4. Yes, I did.
  5. Here's an interesting trivia question: What was the first country to adopt daylight savings time and why?
  6. Buh bye!
  7. Man I fly and fly and fly and fly and... fly, and fly I'd say I average about 7 flights a year for the past 10 years, and maybe 3 times a year before that, dating back to when I was a kid. Do I enjoy flying? No. Am I afraid of flying. Not one bit. Been in just about every make and model of passenger jet as well as a variety of single and twin engine prop planes. In fact, the flight part isn't all that bad, aside from the cramped quarters, screaming babies, and the 10-year-old brat kicking the back of my seat. I've even been skydiving - and thoroughly enjoyed it! It's the airport lines and airline fees that drive me nuts! Way too many inexperienced travelers out there. They take forever to go through the security lines, and don't know how to get loaded on/off the plane. And don't even get me started on the airline fees! > My advice: take the trip. Hawaii is awesome. Have the doc give you some "happy pills" if need be for your flight. But just do it!
  8. I catch more smallies on tubes than Senkos. Matter-of-fact, the fish I'm holding in my avatar? You guessed it. Tubes in current. I buy them by the 100 pack. For current fishing, I like a heavier weight such as 1/4oz or 1/2oz jig head. I'm talking heavy current here. Sometimes I'll Carolina rig them or use a splitshot rig. But other than that, the technique is the same: throw it out and let it fall on totally slack line (spinning gear is ideal for this). AS SOON AS IT HITS BOTTOM, reel in the slack and put tension on the line - feel if there's a fish, because often they hit it on the fall. If there's no fish, then lift the rod a little and let it flutter back down on slack line. Repeat. That's where I start. I may change presentations with heavier/lighter weight or just drag it on the bottom. But that's really all there is to it. Tubes are also great baits for skipping under docks, as well as flipping and pitching!
  9. [postsmovedhere1] 3 [postsmovedhere2] General Bass Fishing Forum [move by] Glenn.
  10. It's all about the money. The West does not have the concentrations of bass angler like the southeast does. So it's more difficult to fill out the whole field - but they were doing it. The problem is that it's more expensive for them to run the tournaments due to the travel (they're all based back east). So the profit isn't as much. Its easier/cheaper to stay closer to headquarters, where you can fill up the entire field of tournaments based a few hundred miles apart from each other, vs. the west where they can be thousands of miles apart. The converse holds true for western anglers. If they want to compete, you're talking some very serious traveling (miles) and expenses in order to fish the circuit. The payouts make it virtually impossible to make it worthwhile unless you can consistently place in the top 10 -- not good if you're just starting out, and cost prohibitive for a lot of talented anglers. I hate it. >
  11. [movedhere] General Bass Fishing Forum [move by] Glenn.
  12. From your description, it sounds like the lake is quite healthy and has a balanced population. Apparently the removal of the smaller bass is working. Don't mess with a good thing!
  13. Nate and J are correct. ALL the political ads are coming via Google, and there's no way to filter them out. They're all localized, which makes it impossible to find and eliminate them all. It's like whack-a-mole! Last day of this, thankfully!
  14. Outstanding!!
  15. That's awesome. Looks like a lot of fun!
  16. Yep, these local ads somehow bypass the Google Ad filters I've set up. Thing is, I never see them because I don't live in your area. So I don't even know about them. It's the last day you should see them, however. So there's light at the end of the tunnel. Oh hey, that means we get to watch TV again! YAY!!
  17. Ya, somehow they're slipping through the Google "political" filters. I haven't figured out how. But one more day and they'll be gone for good.
  18. Ain't that the truth!!
  19. Well, since it's the first back-to-back win for the Raiders since 2008, I'll let you celebrate a little. Yep, the Raiders are playing surprisingly well. And the 'Hawks regressed back to their self-destruct-when-we're-on-the-road ways. The 'Hawks just killed themselves with penalties and dropped passes. Not only that, but several key players got hurt. Clearly a rebuilding year is subject to setbacks such as these. Chiefs are looking good as well. Should be a battle next week for the Raiders. Enjoy the euphoria this week. You might not get to experience it again for a long time.
  20. Congratulations!
  21. Welcome home!
  22. Welcome home!
  23. Welcome home!
  24. Glenn


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