Man I fly and fly and fly and fly and...
fly, and fly
I'd say I average about 7 flights a year for the past 10 years, and maybe 3 times a year before that, dating back to when I was a kid.
Do I enjoy flying?
Am I afraid of flying.
Not one bit. Been in just about every make and model of passenger jet as well as a variety of single and twin engine prop planes. In fact, the flight part isn't all that bad, aside from the cramped quarters, screaming babies, and the 10-year-old brat kicking the back of my seat. I've even been skydiving - and thoroughly enjoyed it!
It's the airport lines and airline fees that drive me nuts! Way too many inexperienced travelers out there. They take forever to go through the security lines, and don't know how to get loaded on/off the plane.
And don't even get me started on the airline fees! >
My advice: take the trip. Hawaii is awesome. Have the doc give you some "happy pills" if need be for your flight. But just do it!