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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. More information about the trip can be found here: http://kentuckylake.bassresource.com/
  2. Sweet move Wayne! Congrats!
  3. I prefer Tom Lehrer....
  4. Absolutely normal. However some teens your age will stifle it as they get older. Bad move. Never lose that thirst for knowledge. NEVER! Your abilities, skills, and opportunities really open up when fuel the fire.
  5. I think we have 8 or 9 different types of coffee in the fridge at this very moment. Flavored and dark roasts/blends from boutique roasters are our favorites. We currently have a supply of pumpkin spice coffee for the holidays. 8-) We grind our own. French press is the way to go baby! When we're camping, we "downgrade" to Dunkin Doughnuts. ;D
  6. Absolutely beautiful! I'm envious!
  7. Welcome home!
  8. Welcome home!
  9. Welcome home!
  10. Welcome home!
  11. Welcome home!
  12. Welcome home!
  13. Welcome home!
  14. I'm just saying.
  15. I'm not judging or anything. :
  16. I'd rather suck the hairspray out of Donald Trump's comb-over than watch that show! ;D But hey, if you like it, then go for it. I hear some folks actually like ice dancing too!
  17. They're too far down to have any playoff chances. So winning has no effect. If I were a 'boys fan right now (and I'm not), I'd be rooting for them to loose every game for the rest of the season just so they can get a good draft pick.
  18. btw - I'm going to start deleting inflammatory remarks now.
  19. FishingBuds - you've made your points, and I've asked the others to leave you be. I ask that you move on as well.
  20. Ok FishingBuds, you can believe whatever you want. It's a free world, right? You've made your point. Guys - it's a lost cause. He wants to blame the substance. Let him be.
  21. Never said it was harmless. To put it another way, a bottle of beer sitting on the shelf never caused a death.
  22. Well Tin, I think what you're trying to say is that addiction is not a choice. And you're right, it's not. Whether it's medically necessary or accidental, addiction sucks. But as a rule, most people have options where they can take control of their addiction and find their way out of it, usually with the help of family and friends. Now no doubt there are exceptions (for example required medication), but that doesn't negate that generally speaking, people have the ability to rid themselves of an addiction. However, blaming the substance will not put them on that path, it only serves to prevent them from taking control of it.
  23. ....besides, it's much easier to blame an inanimate object than take responsibility for one's actions. :
  24. Fishingbuds - Fourbizz is simply making a point, and that's it. No need to snap back at him.
  25. [split] [link=http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1291574480/0#0][splithere][/link][splithere_end]
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