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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Hey Rob, You might want to mention you're sponsored by Lock-N-Haul.
  2. You assume sponsorship has something to do with fishing skills.
  3. You assume sponsorship has something to do with fishing skills.
  4. You assume sponsorship has something to do with fishing skills.
  5. Yup, we we're dealing with your weather 3 weeks ago. The weather is really screwy. 3 weeks ago we were dealing with record lows and artic conditions (single-digit temps). This week? Record highs (mid-50's) and record rains! 3 weeks ago we were dealing with ice and snow. This week it's floods!
  6. Mine was fine after I grilled in the fireplace a little longer. Actually, it was REALLY good! But still, the damage was done. Your fate was sealed Wayne. Wear it with pride! Oh...and your comment to Mike a couple of posts up? I was wiping the tears out of my eyes I was laughing so hard! ;D
  7. Welcome home!
  8. Welcome home!
  9. Welcome home!
  10. Welcome home!
  11. Welcome home!
  12. Welcome home!
  13. KMac couldn't have said it any better. I played trumpet from grade school through college, and played in several similar performances. So I can certainly appreciate the hours of work and effort- as well as talent - that goes behind this performance. It brought me chills. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Perhaps of interest... http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/tree_structure.html http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/brush-pile.html
  15. Perhaps of interest... http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/tree_structure.html http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/brush-pile.html
  16. Perhaps of interest... http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/tree_structure.html http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/brush-pile.html
  17. It kinda looks like a Siouxsie and the Banshees video. But honestly, there were a lot of bands making bizarre videos like that at the time. I really can't put my finger on which video or band it is, but before I read anything on this thread, it was my first thought when I saw the pic.
  18. Should be fun!
  19. [movedhere] General Bass Fishing Forum [move by] Glenn.
  20. This is a shot in the dark, but I think this picture is actually from an 80's music video. No joke. I don't recall the song or artist though. Looking at the buildings in the background, it wouldn't surprise me if it were a band from England.
  21. Sorry to hear that. A pet is a family member, so the pain in losing them is real. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time. In case you or your folks haven't seen this yet, please take a moment to read it. It helped me in the past, so I'm passing it forward to you: http://www.petloss.com/rainbowbridge.htm Glenn
  22. Did you try refreshing your browser?
  23. I believe Home Depot and/or Lowe's have the same kind of policy.
  24. Gotta love how the "news" sensationalizes things. Note in the story 2 things: 1. There is not one case where this was used for criminal activity in the real world. None. 2. Out of 20 people, they were only able to successfully scan 5 willing participants. Of course, that info is buried towards the end of the story. Gotta give kudos to the guy marketing his product, however. He got the "news" to bite. ;D
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