I admit I'm a bit of a video snob, since I come from a broadcast video production background. So I have Pioneer Elite Series plasma screen TVs. Really, these are the only HTDV sets that have true blacks (which means better colors). These are amazing sets, but probably overkill for most people.
My next recommendation would be a Sony. But not just any Sony. Don't run out and buy the cheapest you can find. That's a common mistake most electronic consumers make.
What most people don't know, is that electronic manufacturers build "A", "B", and "C", versions of most models. The "A" versions have the highest quality, while the "C" versions do not.
Many times, you'll be price shopping for the same model across retailers, and find a "really good deal" from one or two places. Be careful! Those are most likely "C" versions. So you're NOT comparing apples-to-apples!
The best way to tell is to look at the full model number on the box, or on the serial number. Sometimes there's an A, B, or C in the number.
That's a long-winded way of saying, "Stay away from the bargain discount stores!"