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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Lessee....the team with the worst record in the NFC West has beat the Steelers, Saints, and Cowboys this year. :
  2. I pretty much listen to everything except old country, showtunes, rap, and hip-hop. Other than that, pretty much anything goes. And yes, that includes acid rock and techno music to smooth jazz and concertos and everything in between.
  3. Please read this article. It could save a life. http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/fall-through-ice.html
  4. WOW! That's just....wow. Congratulations. I have a close friend that's 350lbs+ and is now having heart issues at age 47. I also had a very dear friend of mine pass away on December 23, 2005 at the age of 55 from a massive heart attack caused by his weight (350lbs+). So whether you know it or not, but your actions just saved your life!
  5. Wow is right. Hookemdown - I have no clue where you come with that nonsense, but I assure you my viewpoint about that network has nothing to do with it's political viewpoints! > It's got everything to do with how they hype up and deliberately mislead you just to get you to watch/read so they can up their advertising prices. Granted all news organizations do it. It's just that Faux news takes the cake! I dunno guys. I thought maybe I could keep this thread running and trust that some of you wouldn't jump off the deep end and make it political. I was wrong. This thread is done.
  6. From our family to yours.... A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
  7. From our family to yours.... A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
  8. From our family to yours.... A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
  9. Hey folks, Check out the front page of Bassmaster.com. Click the "video" tab on the upper left. It's the first video. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster Cool stuff!
  10. Hey folks, Check out the front page of Bassmaster.com. Click the "video" tab on the upper left. It's the first video. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster Cool stuff!
  11. Hey folks, Check out the front page of Bassmaster.com. Click the "video" tab on the upper left. It's the first video. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster Cool stuff!
  12. Tangent airlines now departing.... : Let's keep it on topic boys.
  13. For the record, I really hope the 'Hawks DON'T make the playoffs this year. They're a lousy team in need of a good draft pick. Making it into the playoffs this year doesn't help them in the long run.
  14. As J Franco said, it's been that way at least since the '70's. Nothing new here to see. Just "news" hype....again. Yep, I am very critical of "the news". I worked at a 24/7 regional network news station for a few years, so I have the inside track on how they spin things. I know because they taught us how. I also know how they make up the "news", don't care about accuracy, and focus on hype rather than facts. But Faux news really takes it to a whole new level of absurdness.
  15. 2 years ago, a lot of people thought the Cardinals didn't "deserve" to be in the playoffs because they had the worst record of all the playoff teams, worse than other "more deserving teams" that didn't make the playoffs. They then beat every "better" team on their way to the Superbowl, and nearly won that. I believe a few years before that, the Stealers had a poor record going into the playoffs, and most people were "certain" they'd be one and out. Instead, they beat all the "better" teams on their way to a Superbowl win. It just goes to prove that anything can happen in the playoffs; and every team that makes it into the playoffs, has earned it.
  16. Oh the agony of da-feet!
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