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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Welcome Home!
  2. Welcome Home!
  3. Welcome Home!
  4. Actually, I know Doug Hannon quite well (not bragging here), and I can vouche that he's not lying. Funny how people just can't marvel in one's accomplishments. Instead they have to try to discredit them. How sad.
  5. Different river, same geographical neighborhood.
  6. Different river, same geographical neighborhood.
  7. Different river, same geographical neighborhood.
  8. Been down the John Day River several times. Excellent fishing. Here's an article I did on it: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/smallmouth_river_fishing.html A year later, I did it again in the early fall and caught several smallies over 4lbs - the largest was just under 6lbs.
  9. Been down the John Day River several times. Excellent fishing. Here's an article I did on it: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/smallmouth_river_fishing.html A year later, I did it again in the early fall and caught several smallies over 4lbs - the largest was just under 6lbs.
  10. Been down the John Day River several times. Excellent fishing. Here's an article I did on it: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/smallmouth_river_fishing.html A year later, I did it again in the early fall and caught several smallies over 4lbs - the largest was just under 6lbs.
  11. Definitely bad. I didn't recognize any of the performers except for Train. The lip syncing was really bad. When they announced that has-been boy bands were going to perform, that did it for me. I switched to local coverage immediately. And geez, if I see one more cliche proposal on New Year's Eve I'm going to puke! Guys - be original at least!
  12. I like it. Pretty clever lyrics.
  13. I have to admit, I liked his show back when it was on the air. I took it at face value - campy and entertaining. I thought it was funny. There were just too many "serious" fishing shows out there at the time, so his was a nice deviation. I think it changed things. Bill Dance Bloopers came out about that time, and the Hank Parker show lightened up a bit. I'll never forget the "Ladder Fishing" show, and the one where he stuck a hook in his hand on purpose. He also fished professionally, and did pretty good against "the big boys". The guy may be a little nuts, but the dude can fish too! Go Fish!
  14. Looks like a few folks missed that post. And I'd fathom a guess more will miss this one too, so I'm closing this thread.
  15. Your wish has been granted! WOOHOO! GO HUSKIES!!!! ;D
  16. It's funny how this exact, same conversation comes up every 6 months here. I wish I could make money betting on when it will come around again, because I'd win every time. ;D One thing that's true, is that a lot of folks always have their differing opinions, but everyone thinks they're "right". That's fine folks. Just keep an open mind and be civil about it. Know when to say "when". In the mean time, why not check out a video by the man who knows what he's taking about when it comes to this subject? You might learn a thing or two. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/bass-fishing-fish-biology.html Enjoy!
  17. And a very Happy New Year to you too!
  18. As a general rule, you do not want to hold them horizontally by their lower jaw. That said, fish under about 3lbs don't weigh enough to cause any damage. But again, make it a standard practice to support their body if you want to hold them horizontally.
  19. Just an fyi - We have an '03 20' Ranger with a 225 and it does 70mph, no chine walk. When we first got it, it chined right around 65. But a few adjustments later it was dialed in. I don't feel you have to put up with chine walking. I think you can play around with props and engine height to get better performance. You may or may not eliminate it, but you can certainly diminish it.
  20. Sorry for your loss. I lost my last living grandparent this year, so I'm right there with you. Just remember that it's better to cry over great memories than to cry over memories you never made.
  21. Never had a problem with it. Honest.
  22. Never had a problem with it. Honest.
  23. Never had a problem with it. Honest.
  24. How does it compare to the original?
  25. I'd fathom a guess is the switch in the foot pedal. Easy do-it-yourself fix. Inexpensive part too.
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