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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Please contact them directly with questions regarding their business. Thank you.
  2. Oh NO!! Oh no. Oh man. I don't know what to say. I'm shocked and saddened by the news. I really enjoyed his daily presence here. Truly a great man. He will be missed terribly by all. My heart goes out to his survivors.
  3. Ack! If he grows up to be anything like you, the world is in trouble! J/K ;D Congrats!
  4. Have you ever been to Toho? Love the lake. The neighborhood....not so much. It's kinda dumb for thieves to target bass anglers these days, as a lot of 'em are packin'. It wouldn't surprise me to hear news stories in the future of thieves getting waxed while trying to steal stuff.
  5. Sorry to hear of your loss. I know it's painful. She wrapped her tail around your heart. When I lost my pet, this was sent to me and it helped: http://www.newrainbowbridge.com/NRB/rbpoem.htm
  6. Use a patented product that's been proven effective for decades. There's only one: Catch & Release.
  7. There's no doubt Packers are going to the SB if they keep playing like just did. The 'Hawks played like crap and still racked up 24 points against the Bears. Buh bye Chicago!
  8. Not a chance. But I like your confidence!
  9. Welcome Home!
  10. Welcome Home!
  11. Welcome Home!
  12. Glenn


    Welcome Home!
  13. Seriously, what will it take for you to be quiet? : If it's not the refs, it's the other team or some act of God that the Steelers win. Get over yourself and hope your team doesn't get a mudhole stomped into it tomorrow... I call it as I see it. I can't help it if the truth hurts! ;D
  14. Ya, but it was a good run though. Considering they were 4-12 last year, I was just hoping they would win more than 5 games this season. Everything past that was just gravy. Winning the division and getting this far into the playoffs is far more than anyone imagined at the beginning of this season. Clearly they're on the right path, and are going to be a force in the coming years. Looking forward to next year. 'Till then.... BRING ON NASCAR!!! 8-)
  15. Flacco chocked. And why they didn't pull Rice after the 1st quarter will forever be a mystery. He was obviously too sick to play. A coaching error if I ever saw one. And finally, TJ dropping a perfect pass at the end of the game is a prime example of why the 'Hawks got rid of him; and why he'll never be nothing more than a second-rate receiver despite what his over-inflated ego tells him. I wouldn't be struttin' around PA fans. Stealers didn't win this one so much as the Ravens lost it. They don't stand a chance next week.
  16. Only time I go WOT is during tournament blast offs or on really flat water with nobody around. Otherwise 55 is fine with me.
  17. Future newscasters. ;D
  18. If it's just avatar pics and posted pics, but you can see things like the forum buttons and smileys, then your work is blocking those sites that are already mentioned. If you're not seeing ANY images at all, then it's a different issue.
  19. Use Revo's next time. I'M KIDDING!! ;D Great shot! But the colors are too similar with the background. Next time, try it on a workbench (or just a piece of plywood that looks like the top of a workbench), for variety. Just a thought. Another idea is to go outside and lay them down on a stone or pebble walkway/driveway. Spray them down with a garden hose and then take your shots.
  20. Might want to check this out: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/shortsleeve1.html
  21. The thread is all about sponsorships. Check out the threads in this section - many have to do with sponsorships.
  22. Hmmmm..... I vaguely remember this. It must've been awhile ago. Remind me again who this guy is? Can you please PM me the details, including his screenname? Thanks!
  23. Plus who is to say that KVD isn't using a totally different blank rod then the one he sales. He could have the company custom make ones that look just like the ones that are at BPS etc. That's one of the biggest misconceptions about the pros. For some unfounded reason, some people think the pros are using secret baits or tackle. Aside from prototype testing, that simply isn't true. The pros are using the same exact stuff you buy off the shelf at your local tackle store. Their feedback to the company about their products is too valuable to waste it on products the public can't use.
  24. Just keep in mind you'll be locked into a 2-year contract and Verizon is changing its upgrade policy for 2 year contracts. Not exactly in favor of the customer. http://www.androidcentral.com/verizon-changing-its-upgrade-policy-youll-have-wait-20-months-new-phone?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+androidcentral+%28Android+Central%29 As for the iPhone, you couldn't pay me to trade my Android phone for it!
  25. Now that's humility and class Boy there's a lot of folks I know that could learn a lesson or two from Paul! Well said!
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