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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. KICK PERFORMANCE INTO HIGH GEAR. Explore Suzuki Sport Series outboards. https://www.suzukimarine.com/outboards/ss-series/
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  2. I haven't had any reel seat issues with the Mojo Trigon rods. I have both spinning and baitcasting, and have used them quite a bit. I'm not inferring you're lying, but rather, your experience is likely isolated. Something St. Croix would gladly assist with. They'll take care of you.
  3. I respectfully disagree. I know some fantastic sticks that will run circles around the pros, but they have no desire to fish the circuits. Traveling, appeasing sponsors, the grueling schedules, grinding out a living on the road. Some people are built for it and love it, but most aren't. If they've found success with a lucrative endeavor (e.g. Youtube), then they probably wouldn't ditch that for an entirely different lifestyle and uncertain financial future.
  4. How is it for you now? Anyone experiencing slowness....or fastness? 😁
  5. Man that's some scary stuff. Glad you got it diagnosed and you have a great outlook. Now you don't have an excuse not to be here more often! LOL (Yes, I noticed)
  6. The SEVIIM GF reel is impressive! You just have to try one! https://seviinreels.com/products/gf-series
  7. 14 year old thread.
  8. @ol'crickety @A-Jay @AlabamaSpothunter @gimruis
  9. It's been like that since the beginning of pro tournaments. Always will.
  10. I gotta tell you guys, when you get out on the boat with Elite or MLF anglers and the cameras aren't rolling, they all have their complaints about each organization. Some of the comments are very critical. You'd be hard-pressed to find one that's perfectly happy.
  11. We don't need to subdivide the forums any further. There just isn't enough chatter about kayaks to warrant a new forum. However, maybe we should have a separate forum for Big Game line. LOL!! Ya, I know that one. It has a bunch of outcasts from here stirring the pot and immersing themselves in contrived controversy while attacking anyone who disagrees with them. They have no idea how good they're making us look!
  12. Cliff Pirch gives a clinic!
  13. New article just posted! https://www.bassresource.com/fishing/best-lures-fall.html
  14. So...the link I posted above tells everyone to check the email in your profile - often. Because it can end up outdated, and then won't work when you try use the "forgot password" feature. That's EXACTLY what happened here. It happens A LOT folks. Don't think it's not you. It is.
  15. I have the solution. It's what my dad's trailer does on his old Terry bass boat. Cut the trailer just past the roller (on the bunk side, not hitch side). You'll need to weld an extension to the back part so that it 'lays' over the front part, then drill a hole through both sides. The concept is that the trailer will "fold"....scissors-like. You use a hitch pin to lock it in place during trailering. That way, the back will "flip up" when you launch and load, without putting any pressure on the hitch. This allows you to launch in very shallow water, undeveloped banks, and other tricky launch situations. Works great! I couldn't find a pic of it online, but I'll be at my dad's this weekend and take a pic of it.
  16. Prior to getting Power-Poles, I blew up my trolling motor during a tournament. I had to push-pole my way around and drop an anchor...fish...and then repeat. I think I took 5th.
  17. I use 6lb Tatsu on all my spinning outfits. I wouldn't have any other way.
  18. After heavily fishing this for a solid 2 months, the SEVIIN GF reel has made it into my short list of top reels!
  19. Please clear your cache and then restart your browser. If you're on a phone, restart your phone.
  20. Ever seen an outboard motor like this? Meet the all-new Suzuki SS Series! http://www.suzukimarine.com/
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  21. https://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/mlf-2024-changes-101723.html Thoughts?
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