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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Most 50w oil comes in a container with a tapered nozzle like a tube of caulk. Just cut the tip off for a small hole. Tips: Do it in warm weather. The hubs will drain much faster. It will take all day if it's below 50 degrees out. Put the container of oil in the microwave for a few seconds to warm it up. It will fill up much faster that way - trust me! Fill the hub, let it sit 10 15 mins, then do it again. Repeat until it's at the desired level after sitting for 10-15 mins. Just don't fill it up completely full. I know the hubs pop out and expand when the hubs really heat up, but that's still not enough expansion for a totally full hub. The pop-out mechanism is really just for extreme conditions, and not something you should see happen on every trip. If your hub is too full, you risk popping the back seals. And yes, dip the threads in high-heat sealant before reinstalling. Otherwise it will leak everywhere.
  2. That's some pretty scary stuff there! Been in a few of those, and it's definitely no fun at all. Glad you made it back in one piece! Be sure to open every compartment and let it completely dry. Otherwise you'll be dealing with mold. Then get it the boat with a screwdriver and make sure everything is tight. You'd be surprised how many things work themselves loose after a beating like that. Look for any broken rivets too - especially under the boat. Be sure to check the engine mounting bolts too. That's often overlooked, with disastrous results. I check all these things at least once a year on my boat, regardless.
  3. Check out this brand interview of Greg Hackney! http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/greg-hackney-video-11.html
  4. Just type in the name of the thread in the search bar. Sometimes it's better if you include the whole title in quotes. Hope that helps!
  5. At the very top of the conversation, look to the left of the person's avatar. Where it says "Last read" under each icon. Those are the time and date when the PM was last opened by that person.
  6. I'm happy to announced that Award Winning Writer Don Barone has joined the BassResource staff! Here are the details: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/bass-done-barone.html Please join me in giving him a warm welcome to the family! (Many thanks to Long Mike for editing his articles!)
  7. Glenn

    Reputation ?

    What do you mean by you can't vote? What do you want to do, what do you do when you try to do it, and what happens? Please include any error messages and screenshots if possible.
  8. No, it's now a browser issue. It's a bug I'm working on resolving.
  9. We checked into this - and confirmed it - before selecting it as the HQ.
  10. Gotcha. I thought you meant you could change the number of dots.
  11. Are you sure about that?
  12. No, there is not a separate URL for phones. The system automatically detects the browser and serves up the correct version. As Nate says, you may have to change the settings in your phone.
  13. Um...Mike, my bearings use oil too. Most newer 'glass boats have 'em. And yes, it's 50 wt. Any kind will do. Best thing to do is jack the trailer up and put it on stands. Open up the caps and spin them around so they're pointing down so they'll drain. Then come back the next day to fill them up approx half way. It takes a LONG time to get the oil in that tiny hole, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time to do this project.
  14. Great question! Perhaps this will help: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/Aquatic-Furbearers-Nusiance-or-Necessary
  15. Which post was that? I may have to adjust the filters.
  16. I cannot WAIT!! We're really looking forward to it. Got our spot reserved.
  17. A few folks had their passwords scrambled during the conversion. Just use the "forgot password" feature and it will send you a new one. You can change it back once you log in. Problem solved.
  18. Ok, problem should be solved. But please let me know if it happens again.
  19. Clear your cache and restart your browser. That should clear it up.
  20. I'm working on it. If it happens again, please provide every detail you can think of. What your were doing, what time you saw it, etc. That will help me immensely. Thanks!
  21. Actually, there's LESS ads throughout the site. They're just larger - and they're what paid for this massive upgrade. I'll remove them if you want to open up your wallet. The mobile site is the same URL as the regular site. It automatically detects you're using a smartphone, and serves up the correct version.
  22. Umm... ya. It was all you. That's the ticket.
  23. Change your screen resolution to something bigger than what you have it at (most likely it's 800x600)
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