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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. After hearing a clip of them on one of the Go camera commercials, I bought the CD. Good driving music, but a bit too repetitive for me.
  2. Hey guys, Please send me your pics and videos so we can put together a video recap. Thanks!! Glenn
  3. Hey guys, 3 things: 1. Our logfiles show MORE traffic on the site, not less. 2. A lot of the regulars are over in Kentucky right now at the roadtrip, so they're not posting at the moment. 3. Jfrancho has been on vacation, Gene has been guiding and doing week-long trips with his boy scout troop. People DO have lives outside of the forums. LOL! Sirsnook - I realize you're unhappy with the changes. You've been very vocal about it, and have taken every opportunity to voice your opinion every chance you get. I get it. I hear you. You don't need to repeat it over and over again anymore.
  4. Actually, traffic is up.
  5. Well, it seems some folks are reading WAY too much into this thread. I guess you need to know Chris to understand this thread. But since most people do not, assumptions are made - most of which aren't accurate. I can't stop people from their negative perceptions, but I can lock this thread. So... G'night Irene...
  6. We put our boat in the garage, and opted for the PowerPole because you can lower them in order to fit in the garage (so it won't hit the top). You can't do that with the Talon.
  7. Hey guys, don't make this out to be something more than it's meant to be. For quite some time, we recieved feedback to have some sort of way of "voting up" a post, or being able to "rate" a post besides just saying "x2", which some took as a meaningless way to add post counts. So there you have it. It's now up on the site. The "reputation" part is meaningless, other than an indicator of how many "x2" responses you get. LOL! Let's keep it light hearted folks. There's too many negative things in life already. Thanks! Glenn
  8. 3/4oz pretty much all the time except right after the spawn.
  9. Sorry to hear you won't be there. You'll be missed. But I'm glad she's ok. That tire looks a little flat. Might want to check that.
  10. Change your screen resolution, or hit ctrl+/- a few times.
  11. Here's a few articles that will help you out: http://www.bassresource.com/beginner/rod_reel_line.html http://www.bassresource.com/beginner/selecting_rods_reels.html http://www.bassresource.com/beginner/bass_fishing_rods.html http://www.bassresource.com/beginner/rods1.html http://www.bassresource.com/beginner/reel_selection.html Hope that helps!
  12. I'd be happy to join you for a few hours on Sunday if you still have an open seat by then. Talk to me at the winefest Saturday night. Keri and I are looking for open seats on Thurs and Fri, so let me be the first to thank Mike for ensuring every butt is seated!
  13. No, I have not tried Webroot. Sorry.
  14. I'm not a big fan of McAfee or Norton either. That's why I use Trend Micro. Been using it for 10 years without a single false positive.
  15. It's not the first time Avast had a false positive here. Unfortunately the last time it happened, Avast wasn't so open about it, and a few members here were convinced the site had an issue, even though no other anti-virus software had any issues with the site (just like this time). Just glad they're being forthright this time around. But again, it's best to just bite the bullet and pay a few bucks for something more reliable, rather than deal with issues like this on a regular basis.
  16. Avast is notorious for generating false positives and acting up like this. I tried it once and got sick of it crying wolf all the time. I deleted it and never went back. Dump it and get Trend Micro PC-cillan or Kaspersky.
  17. Looks like you're missing an inline fuse. A simple automotive type fuse is all you need. I'm not sure what amp though. Try 10amp and see if that works. If it blows, move up to 15 amp.
  18. You've discovered one of our last remaining bugs. We're working on it. Should be fixed soon.
  19. You asked for my favorite, not all the ones I use. My favored bait is the basic tube. If the bass are more active, then I'll flip a variety of RageTail plastics.
  20. Aside from the logos you see on the forums, there's also RageTail, Ko-Man-Chi, American Bass Outlet, Bass Tackle Depot, and Sure Life Hope that helps!
  21. Welcome home!
  22. Welcome home!
  23. Welcome home!
  24. Glenn

    Old New Guy

    Welcome home!
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