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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. If you're getting a "fatal error" message while cruising the forums, please clear your cache. That will solve the issue. This is a result of a problem we were having with the site last week that has since been resolved. However, if you came to the site during that time, it's still stored in your cache, so you still see it. Clearing your cache will eliminate the problem. Thanks! Glenn
  2. You're in Northern Illinois? I thought you said you were near Nashville?? What's the story?
  3. Hey guys, just to be crystal clear, this is NOT the official annual RoadTrip. Details for next year's event are still being worked out. So be sure you have enough vacation time and budget to attend both, if that is your intention. Glenn
  4. Check it out: http://www.bassresource.com/fish-fishing/tackle-the-storm-barone-plea.html
  5. Have a spool of it, but haven't used it yet. It's white, so it'll be interesting to see if it changes color under water.
  6. Delete your cache and cookies. It will go away.
  7. Must be that time of year. I've seen several eagles soaring over our neighborhood recently - with a squadron of crows chasing and dive-bombing them. LOL! It looks like an old WWII dogfight!
  8. Welcome home!
  9. Welcome home!
  10. Glenn

    Se Ok.

    Welcome home!
  11. Welcome home!
  12. Welcome home!
  13. Welcome home! Please read the FAQ's!
  14. Welcome home!
  15. Welcome home!
  16. No, it was a server setting. We just changed it, so the problem should be resolved. Let me know if you see any more errors.
  17. I cannot reproduce the error, but will check into it nonetheless.
  18. Our server crashed, and the site was down for the better part of the last 3 days. It's fixed now. Thanks for hangin' in there while we worked on it!
  19. Our server crashed. It's fixed now. Thanks for hangin' in there while we worked on it!
  20. Our server crashed. It's fixed now. Thanks for hangin' in there while we worked on it!
  21. Here's more information for you: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/dropshot_fish.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/Dropshot_downshot.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/drop-shot.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/dropshot_bass_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/drop_shot_bassfish.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/drop_shot_bassfish_2.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing_lures/dropshotting.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/drop_shot_bassfishing.html
  22. Ok, I bought the site back, fought off the ninjas, and thwarted the terrorist attack on the server. We're back up and running again. My job is done here.
  23. Nobody is going to watch a 2 1/2 hr video online, that's why. I had to cut it up into digestible pieces.
  24. LOL!! Again with the speculations and rumors? No, it's a script error that's causing memory overloading on the server, if you must know. We're working on fixing the script now. Please don't speculate and start rumors. Just trust we're on it and resolving it. Thanks! Glenn
  25. Yes, I'm aware of all the issues. We are working to resolve them. Thank you for your patience.
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