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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. GrundleLove is the man!
  2. I played safety in jr league until the other guys started getting taller than me. LOL!!
  3. Oh that's just wrong!
  4. We have 4 bags of them. Haven't tried 'em yet though. Just haven't fished under conditions that warrant them yet. They look good though.
  5. Resistance is futile.
  6. We recently had a robin set up shop under the eaves of our front porch. Those babies grow very fast. From birth-to-gone took maybe 7 or 8 days. Mamma and Papa were constantly feeding them. Key thing here that nobody has mentioned yet, but I noticed momma layed on them and kept them warm at night. I'm sure that was for protection from predators too. Not sure how you can mimick it - I wouldn't recommend laying on the baby! LOL! But maybe an animal hospital can offer some tips.
  7. Mike - I suggest you take him up on the offer. He's legit.
  8. It sounds like one or more "hubs" on your ISP's network hasn't updated their DNS info yet. There's absolutely nothing I can do about that. You just have to wait until they do it. Earlier today, I threw a team of server admins at the problem and they combed through everything on the site and server. They found nothing wrong. They then performed a number of DNS tests and discovered not every ISP out there has updated their DNS cache yet. Nothing can be done from our end to speed that up. Sorry.
  9. Ok guys - for those of you still having issues, please perform a DNS test to see what your DNS resolvers are returning for the domain. You can do this by following the steps below (assuming you're using a Windows machine). 1) Click Start 2) Click Run 3) Type in 'cmd' 4) Click OK 5) In the command prompt window type in 'nslookup bassresource.com' 6) Hit Enter Then let us know what the result of this test is so we can look into this issue further. We apologize for any inconvenience and if you need further assistance or if you have any other questions please let us know.
  10. That's it? I thought he was older!
  11. Apologies for the issues you're having. When we upgraded the server, the DNS (IP address) changed. A DNS change means the new IP must propagate throughout the internet across all proxy servers, hubs, and host-providers. This can take up to 72 hrs. There's absolutely nothing I can do about this, as I have no control over it whatsoever. The only thing I can recommend is either the above solution - which may or may not work - or just wait until the DNS change occurs naturally. Depending on your ISP (or work proxy server), this can take awhile. I could have posted the above information on the homepage, but again, it may or may not work, and would have generated even more e-mails asking for assistance for something that is way beyond our control.
  12. Yep, if anyone is still having issues accessing the forums, this will do the trick. Thank you for posting that information!
  13. Welcome Home!
  14. Glenn

    New Guy

    Welcome Home!
  15. Glenn


    Welcome Home!
  16. Welcome Home!
  17. Welcome Home!
  18. Welcome Home!
  19. Welcome back!
  20. Just be patient. It can take up to 3 days for DNS changes to propagate throughout the Internet.
  21. Make a spinnerbait like the Mann's Classic, but with a lumaflex skirt, and you'd have a killer bait!
  22. Clear your cache, and click the link next to it that says "Delete my cookies". That should clear it up.
  23. Yep, they were closed for a short while. We upgraded to a new server. During the transfer, I had to shut down the forums. Otherwise some of your posts would have been lost. As it stands, we still lost 5 posts (didn't get the forum shut down quick enough!), but otherwise everything went smoothly. The new server is faster and more powerful than the previous server. Hope you enjoy a faster and more responsive BassResource.com!
  24. We've had the wettest, coldest spring in over 60 years here. We broke pretty much all the rain and low-temp records. Today, we finally got up over 70' and the sun actually showed up. It was the warmest day of the year. But that was a fleeting moment. We're back to rain and low 60's later this week. It's been a horrible, wet, dark, cold spring. We're about 2 1/2 months behind in seasons right now.
  25. OUCH!! Dang man, you gotta take better care of yourself.
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