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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Appreciate the +1's folks! Keep 'em coming!
  2. I'd never use super glue. Just makes the bait hard and brittle and practically makes it impossible to remove off the hook, thus making the hook a one-time use...very expensive over time.
  3. I'd get the Power Poles. Seems I have a need to use them every time I go out. Here's a video on the 10' poles: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/powerpole-blade-video.html
  4. Ok all you Pinnacle owners, what's your favorite rod or reel and why? How long have you had and what do you use it for? Let's hear it!
  5. Perhaps of interest: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/fishing_tips_summer.html
  6. Ok guys, quit trying to be "right" and move on. You've stated your opinions quite well. No need to try to force somebody to agree with you.
  7. Ok guys, that makes 3 posts I've deleted already today. Either you leave out the finger-pointing towards specific politicians and/or parties, or we'll close this thread. Last warning.
  8. The 'Hawks continue to make outstanding pre-season personnel changes (continuing from last year's shuffling). They now have the best receiving corps they've had in a very long time along with much stronger O-line; two things that were sorely missing the past 4 years. But they're not SB ready just yet. They need to get a QB to match the receivers, and rebuild their secondary - which is their weakest link now. Given the path they've been on for the past 18 months, next year might just be the year. In the mean time, the Eagles are a very, very formidable team. Barring any injuries, they're my top SB pick right now.
  9. Famous non-fishing partner? That'd have to be Will Herring - linebacker for the New Orleans Saints. He was a Seahawk when this picture was taken. Yup, he's a big boy.
  10. Welcome home!
  11. Welcome home!
  12. Welcome home!
  13. Welcome home!
  14. Welcome home!
  15. Welcome home!
  16. Some of you may be wondering what's that button that appears throughout BassResource.com. The +1 button is shorthand for "this is pretty cool" or "you should check this out." It's somewhat like FaceBook, but better. Click +1 to publicly give something your stamp of approval. Your +1's can help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search Google. So if you like a page on BassResource.com, click the +1 button! Here's more information: It's easy to get an account. Just sign up here: https://www.google.c...unts/NewAccount and start +1'ing pages BassResource.com!
  17. Have you had enlisted the services from Delaware Valley Tackle? How would you rate them? Tell us!
  18. Berkley has been very clear from the get-go: this line is strictly for spinning reels. It will dig into itself on baitcasters.
  19. Well, actually no. There was a surplus in January of 2001, due to bi-partisan measures passed in 1993. That all changed very quickly afterwards due to several things (not all political). We went from having no deficit to the (then) country's worst deficit ever in 9 months. Here's an interesting NY Times article that explains what happened, and why we are where we are today. It's about as non-biased as I could find. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/10/business/economy/10leonhardt.html
  20. Perhaps of interest... http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/night_bass_fishing.html
  21. Hey folks, which Northstar Jig is your favorite? How/when/where do you use it? Let's hear it!
  22. Hey folks, let Big-O know: What's your favorite RageTail product and how do you rig it? Let's hear it!
  23. So it's summer. Hair jigs are for winter, right? So I thought I'd test this "rule" out and fish a NorthStar hair jig last weekend, in the dead of summer...in the middle of a bright, sunny, hot day. ...Okay, I just got the jigs and they looked so good, I couldn't wait until winter, alright?! So I go to my favorite smallmouth lake and fish a stretch of rocky bank where I've always found willing smallies eager to get a tour of my boat. I start throwing the hair jig, and catch.... a 3lb largemouth! What's really odd is that in over 30 years, I've never caught a largemouth on that bank...never! Lesson: Whenever you find yourself following a "rule" of bass fishing, break it and see what happens. You just might be surprised!
  24. Great to hear from you JT! Hope to see you around here more often!
  25. Welcome home!
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