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  1. Glenn


    Welcome Home!
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  3. You guys need to stop micromanaging your portfolios.
  4. Yep, Pro Mariner is an excellent choice.
  5. Tangent Airlines now departing!
  6. There's no "right" answer that will apply every time. I let fall and if it's not hit by time it gets to the bottom (maybe even before then), I reel it in and throw again. I've caught a bazillion fish that way! My buddy, on the other hand, fishes it more like Ronnie...sometimes waiting 5 mins or more...just letting it dead-stick until the line swims off. He's won tournaments that way, so there's something to it. As Sam said:
  7. This is a great opportunity to learn a lot. Now that you know what presentation they want, it's time to experiment. Change colors, size, weight (speed of fall), and types of baits. Try to fine-tune the pattern and discover exactly what they're keying on that day. See if you can figure out how to weed out the smaller fish and get bigger bites. What you learn will pay dividends down the road!
  8. Hey guys, there's no single article that will ever cover every single way to fish a lure, lake, river, piece of structure, C-rig, etc. That's why I said: You'll see the other articles cover additional tactics. That said, if you feel an article is lacking with information, we're always open to article submissions! Here's how to do it: http://www.bassresource.com/fish/article_submission.html Thanks! Glenn
  9. No clue. There's no reason a post like that would need "moderation". Sorry man, but it looks like it was never posted.
  10. Our very own G-Man of Siebert Outdoors shows you how to make a custom jig while on the water in less than 60 seconds! It's all in this new video: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/making-a-jig.html Enjoy!
  11. To learn how to fish the, start here: http://www.bassresource.com/fish/tube-baits.html then click the links at the bottom of the page for more information. Good luck!
  12. 49'rs were looking at Culpepper for awhile there. They didn't sign him, but I expect another NFL team to pick him up. It's a seller's market out there.
  13. When summer arrives and BassCat pro John Crews ties on a deep-diving crankbait, his thoughts turn to a hot salsa dance technique just about every time he makes a cast. View the full article
  14. First off, I'm not a jig guy. Never had much luck with them. But this year I decided to try a few, including G-Man's lures, and now I'm a firm believer! By far, this is my most productive jig this year: Tack on that RageTail lobster and you've got a winner! What's yours?
  15. Good to know. What about trails? Can you do the same with those?
  16. Awesome! I bet that feels great! Nice screenshot. Stay that the Venetian. The rooms are really nice and spacious.
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