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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Welcome home!
  2. Welcome home!
  3. Welcome home!
  4. Welcome home!
  5. That sucks. Sorry to hear about your loss. It hurts after losing a pet you've had for so many years.
  6. This would be awesome with a RageTail trailer! I busted a bunch of big bass this year on a Sieber/RageTail combos. Deadly stuff guys!
  7. Man these things are awesome! Can't wait to try them out on smallies!!
  8. Hey folks, If you haven't already, "like" the Rage Tail fan page for a chance to WIN a custom Strike King/RAGE TAIL Jersey. All "likes" or members will be a part of the contest. Be sure and share this with your friends too! your Rage On - That's what I'm talking about http://www.facebook.com/ragetail
  9. OMG! You're right! He's hanging out with Elvis and Kennedy!
  10. That's my point. There's tons of videos and pictures taken by the masses that are being posted anywhere and everywhere. The photos of Bin Laden were taken under tight security and not released.
  11. Ummm....lessee, Ghadafi was paraded around in front of throngs of people. Bin Laden...not so much. Think about it dude.
  12. Hey folks, Tackle The Storm Foundation, an organization the helps children struck by natural disasters get back into fishing, is holding several auctions to raise funds for next year. There's some really cool stuff, including signed jerseys from the top Elite pros from this year's tour. Check it out! http://stores.ebay.com/tacklethestormfoundation?_trksid=p4340.l2563 Hmmm...I see a few items for my Christmas list!
  13. "Ethics" means doing the right thing, even when nobody is looking; or when the (sign, crowd, friend, employee, employer, etc) says it's ok to do it anyway. If YOU feel it's wrong, then only YOU can control YOUR actions and do what YOU feel is right. That, is integrity based on strong ethics.
  14. When I first saw it was a post by Ghoti, a thought came to my mind. Then I read the subject line, and thought "You read my mind!"
  15. Welcome! I'm from Washington state, and I assure you bass fishing is alive and well in the Pacific Northwest!
  16. I assure you it had nothing to do with fishing. The concept of limits wasn't introduced until after WWII. There were lighthouse "keepers" back then, and often shifts began/ended at midnight. So perhaps it meant he was a lighthouse keeper with the midnight shift? Just a guess.
  17. Dan Weldon, the 2011 Indy 500 champ, died today in the Indy Championship race in a catastrophic 15-car wreck. The driver's unanimously decided to end the race, and instead do a 5-lap, 3-wide tribute to Dan. All the crews and teams lined the race track shoulder-to-shoulder, many in tears, as the field slowly paraded around the track. Truly a sad day in racing.
  18. Hank Parker just posted a great article about fall fishing. Don't miss his tips and techniques for catching lunker bass! http://www.bassresource.com/hank-parker-fishing/crankbaits-fall-fishing.html A BassResource Exclusive!
  19. Sweet ride! Congratulations!
  20. Here's a few articles that will help you out: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-clubs/bass_clubs.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/tournaments_beginning.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/fishing_tournaments.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/Bagwell/bagwells_bass_tactics_8.html
  21. They have not announced the schedule yet. From what I understand, they were waiting for BASS and FLW to announce their schedules first, and then work around them.
  22. Glenn

    Panic Box

    You always need a panic box. If you're afraid of the word "panic", then call it your "backup plan box". Whatever the term, it's a great way to ensure you'll at least get a few in the boat. Here's Mike Iaconellis Panic Box: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/iaconelli_panic_box.html
  23. Lady Gaga is amazing. The woman can sing - powerfully. I really like her songs, and this one is great. She's an "artist", so her performances and videos are, shall we say, over-the-top...yet somehow mesmerizing and unforgettable because they're so unique.
  24. Happy Birthday Ronnie! I SAID HAPP...... oh never mind!
  25. You're going to like this one: http://www.bassresource.com/fish-fishing/bass-tournament-federation-nation-championship.html Enjoy!
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