Davey Jones, lead singer of the Monkees, died last week at the age of 66. If you're under the age of, say, 35, there's a good chance that you don't care. Heck, I'm 47, and beyond the general tenet of humanity that compells us to not feel celebratory that someone has died, I don't care much. The Monkees were a bit before my time, and my introduction them was via a cameo by Davey on the Brady Bunch. Oddly enough, Jimi Hendrix's first American tour was opening for the Monkees.
Anyway, plenty of people have no idea who the heck Davey Jones is... was.
Then again, I kept hearing about some 'dude' named Taylor Swift who was tearing it up in the world of country. I was a bit shocked to discover that 'he' was a 'her'.
On that note, my buddy and I were all stoked to watch one of the late night talk shows a few years ago because some "really hot sounding chick" named Shia LeBouf was gonna be interviewed. We figured that with a name like Shia LeBouf, she must be a Victoria's Secret model or something similar. Lucky for us, someone emailed us to let us know that 'she' was a he.
Clearly, I'm not bragging here, but it leads to today's question: I MAY HAVE BEEN THE LAST PERSON IN THE WORLD WHO DIDN'T KNOW WHO ___________ WAS.