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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Don't forget to bring your scales!!
  2. From last year's event....
  3. These will help: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bank_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/shoreline_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bank_fishing_shore.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/urban-bass-fishing.html Enjoy!
  4. These should help: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/river_bridge_bass_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/fishing-bridges Enjoy!
  5. There's a guy in Billings, Montana by the name of Floyd Creekmore. He's 95- years- old and he recently earned the title of "world's oldest clown". In spite of having had a stroke, a crooked face and a shaky hand, Floyd still dresses up as "Creeky the Clown" when the circus comes to town. If you're like most people, and you already think clowns are cReEpY, IMAGINE A 95- year- old one with a crooked face, thus; crooked make- up, and shaky hands. This is the stuff of nightmare's, but Floyd is under the delusion that he's, somehow, 'entertaining' children. Floyd, you're 95 man, hang it up. The there's Emerald City Comic- Con, an annual celebration of comic books, cartoons, and all things geek. I think it's great; provides exposure for artists and directors, etc, but the idea of adults dressing up as their childhood heroes is a bit odd to me. Then again, if you were to ask our respective wives/ girlfriends, I'm sure they'd have a story or two about you that is as immature as it gets. We've all been asked, "What are you, 9- years- old?" Don't be silly... 9- year- olds don't drink. Besides, it's fun. Isn't that why anybody does anything that they have no business doing? It's today question: WHAT ARE YOU PROBABLY TOO OLD TO BE DOING, BUT YOU STILL DO IT ANYWAY?
  6. Two things: You may have too much line on the spool. Don't fill it all the way up to the rim. Instead, you should have at least 1/8"-1/4" of the lip exposed. Never, never, NEVER close the bail by turning the handle. Always close the bail by hand, and ensure the line has tension before cranking the handle. These two tips will eliminate 99% of your problems. Glenn
  7. btw - been there several times. There was even one incident where a member posted his grief about UPS on the site - even after the rule was implemented. I deleted the post and sent him a PM letting him know about it, and cited the rule. Then he got his panties all up in a bunch, accused me of taking sides, sent angry emails to me and several other members, posted crap and personal attacks on Facebook that I won't even get into...just a childish tirade. Over what? Something a fishing site had absolutely nothing to do with in the first place! So, you see why I won't allow those kind of posts on here? I've got the scars and t-shirts that prove it's a bad idea. I don't need to be thrust into somebody else's conflict. I've got my own problems, thank you very much. The rule stands.
  8. Whether they can or can't doesn't matter. What matters is at that point, somebody is going to be PO'd at me over something I never did....and could continue harassing me until I do what they want me to do, at which point somebody else is going be PO'd at me.. So, no, I won't let it go that far. Got a beef with a company? Take it up with them, talk to the BBB, the police, the post office, eBay, the police...whatever. But don't place me nor BassResource in the middle of it, thank you very much. It's not your right to bring innocent people into your dispute. Been there, done that, won't go there again.
  9. I'm not implying you can't post negative reviews. Just don't come here ranting and slamming a company - or posting a complaint in the hopes of getting company X's attention. Not only for the reasons I mentioned above, but also those things will end up with company X's attorney threatening ME with a lawsuit. Now I'm suddenly slammed in the middle of a dispute I had nothing to do with. Regardless of what I do at that point forward, somebody isn't going to be happy, and they'll turn their anger towards me and BassResource. I know this from experience. Don't put me in that situation.
  10. What an honor! Thanks Big O!
  11. Depends. If it's done in a matter-of-fact manner ("I had a bad experience with them, so I'll take my business elsewhere"), we'll probably let it go. But if it's a "Company X is a SCAM!!!" or "DON'T DO BUSINESS WITH X!!!" kind of post, probably not. It's all about the tone of the post in that case. Smear campaigns have no place here. That's not what these forums are about.
  12. Love your attitude Caver! Welcome aboard!
  13. According to a survey, when it comes to humiliation and/ or embarrassment, 57% of people would be embarrassed if they were caught cheating on their taxes... however, there are things that would embarrass more... and I would hope so. 59% of people would be embarrassed if they were caught littering, 65% would be embarrassed if they got a DUI (although, to be fair, while it IS stupid, no one makes BETTER decisions when they're drunk) and 73% of people would be embarrassed if they were caught shoplifting. Some things are much embarrassing than others, and today we ask you to embrace your humility and tell us: WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN CAUGHT DOING AND WHO CAUGHT YOU?
  14. I thought this was interesting.... http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/fishing-decline-4512.html Key takeaway:
  15. That's just wrong!
  16. Previous examinations of state fishing license sales by Southwick Associates revealed many Americans who consider themselves anglers don’t necessarily fish or buy a fishing license every year. It begged the question: Why and what do they do in place of fishing? View the full article
  17. Steezy checked in with me. He's fine, but had one of the twisters come very close to his house. It went right across the entrance to his neighborhood! He's fine though, and thanks everyone for the concern.
  18. You almost got it right. You may indeed provide reviews, good or bad. But bashing, attacking, or complaining about a company, "I hate UPS!", "Company X has poor customer service!", etc. is not allowed. However, it has nothing to do with "self-preservation". It has everything to do with discouraging the negativity you see everywhere else (on the web, on TV, at work, etc.). We want this place to enjoyable, and a release from the everyday banter - just like fishing itself. An "escape", if you will. Excessive negativity doesn't play a role here. Not only that, but complaining about a company here, is not going to solve your beef with them. You need to take that up with them directly. Letting your dispute boil over into these forums serves no purpose. Hope that makes sense. Glenn
  19. No matter how well you know someone, you don't know EVERYTHING. Some things you'll take to your grave, other things you just don't think about much, but when you DO share it, no one can believe it's something YOU did. Maybe you ate grilled squirrel, maybe you went skydiving, maybe you were a phone- sex operator, maybe you went on a vision- quest, maybe you used to be a woman... today we wanted to know: WHAT HAVE YOU TRIED, ATTEMPTED OR SAMPLED THAT MOST PEOPLE WOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT?
  20. Ummm.... does anyone have any funny stories? For example, I heard of a guy who's girlfriend took a bunch of naked pics of herself using his cell phone. Problem was, she didn't know he had an app that automatically posted all his pics on Facebook! DOH!
  21. Matt - your PM box is probably full. Clean out your in and out box, and that should help.
  22. Identity theft is all the rage these days, and technology makes it increasingly easier to do, but still, you'd think it might be a a BIT of challenge to steal Paul Allen's ID. You'd THINK that... and you'd be wrong. Authorities in Pittsburgh just nabbed an AWOL soldier who, with one simple call to Citibank, managed to get a debit card linked to Allen's bank account. Not very sophisticated, but the guy got to a BILLIONAIRE. Technology also provides distractions to the point of being very dangerous. We've all heard about the dangers of texting and driving, but how about texting and WALKING? Take Bonnie Miller of Michigan, a woman who walked off of a pier while texting. She was walking with her husband and 15- year- old son, but instead of enjoying 'family time', she was face- down on her phone... and then she was floating in a lake. Congratulations. A guy in Tennessee broke into a house and stole, among other things, an 8- year- olds iPad. Thing is, the kid had a tracking app on his iPad, so he led police to the thief in about 40 minutes. Another round of congratulations and accolades! I could go on and on, as their no shortage of stories of technology ruining a person's day or life, but today we wanted your story: WHEN HAS TECHNOLOGY DONE YOU WRONG?
  23. Hey Tony - you want a skin mount? Then go for it! Just remember it's not everyone's bag of tea, and vice versa. C'est la vie!
  24. The mounts behind Keri are replicas from Lake Fork Taxidermy. I've had many a people comment on how authentic they look, and what a fantastic job they did. You just send them in the weight and measurements of the fish along with pics, and they do the rest. I can shoot better pics of the fish if you're interested.
  25. I laughed so hard when I read that! Man I'm still laughing! That's too funny!!
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