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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Welcome Home!
  2. Welcome Home!
  3. Welcome Home!
  4. Welcome Home!
  5. Welcome Home!
  6. Wow, glad to hear you made it through. "Stuff" can be replaced, families can't. Good to know you're getting your life back together again. Welcome Home!
  7. Welcome Home!
  8. Welcome Home! But please note we do not condone illegal fishing. It's not something I would brag about if I were you.
  9. Welcome Home!
  10. Welcome Home!
  11. Welcome Home!
  12. Welcome Home!
  13. Welcome Home!
  14. Welcome Home!
  15. Welcome Home!
  16. To All Attendees! We will be raffling off a few awesome items on Wednesday to benefit the Tackle The Storm Foundation. Once such item is a Strike King hat autographed by many of the top Elite pros such as Kevin VanDam and Denny Brauer. Tackle The Storm helps children who are victims of tornadoes rebuild their lives. Through generous partnerships with the fishing industry, TTS can get a rod and reel into a child's hands for just $7.50. So each ticket will be exactly that. Please come ready to support this worthy organization, and be ready to win some fantastic prizes!
  17. Justin Witten and Travis Cox didn’t characterize Friday as a great day of bass fishing on Smith Mountain Lake. But if Saturday’s fishing is any better for the Radford University tandem, their opponents are in big trouble. View the full article
  18. No, it wasn't that. The mechanic said there really isn't much you can do to prevent ethanol-related issues. That said, we added a 2nd filter and now use double-dose Stabil and Ring-Free with every fill-up - although bear in mind we were doing this already with every fill-up, only at the recommended dosages....and it still blew. No, there's not much you can do if you must use ethanol-tainted gas. Ethanol is absolutely the worst for outboards. Period. It's poison. We now go out of our way to fill up at ethanol-free gas stations. That's really the only way to prevent these issues.
  19. Glad you made it there safely, and that your "mission" this time is more peaceful. Enjoy your workouts and fishing. Thanks again for your service!
  20. How much are we talking about here? Let me know. I know the owner.
  21. Keri and I are looking for open seats for Sunday and Monday. But note that if anyone needs to stay on shore, Keri and I will be the first to relinquish our seats! It's not open to debate.
  22. Hey if you haven't checked out Edge Products yet, why not? Get on it! You'll be glad you did!
  23. Well Big-O, we're really going to miss you! It's really great to hang out with you and shoot the breeze. But work is work, and sometimes the work schedule doesn't work out the way we want (somehow that sentence makes sense). We'll catch up with you next year. In the mean time, we'll tip one or two in your name!
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