OK, folks, here’s the schedule.
Saturday, Apr 21. Ghoti’s wine, cheese and sandwich soiree. If you can, arrive around 18:00 to help set-up and get a first shot at the wine and fixins. The formal event starts at 19:00. Tuxedos, or tank-tops and jean cut-offs, or anything in between, are required. The location is yet to be determined, but will in the immediate vicinity of the hotel. This year, a Biggest Bass contest will be announced and the rules will be explained on that evening. There is a possibility that Ghoti may be required to rent a meeting room. If so, contributions will be solicited for the room only. Ghoti insists on footing the bill for everything else.
Sunday. Boaters and co-anglers meet in the lobby of the hotel at 18:00 to get paired up. Dinner is on you.
Monday. RW will prepare his world-renowned burgers for the group. The location is a short walk down the hill from the hotel at the picnic grounds. Dinner is at 19:00, but RW will need volunteers at around 18:00 to help set up, chop, carve, etc. We are requesting a donation of $5.00 a head to help offset RW’s costs.
Tuesday. Same as Sunday.
Wednesday. The BIG night with Chris Lane! Arrive at 18:00. Dinner will be held in a private room at the Top ‘O The River restaurant, just a few minutes drive from the hotel. The address is 7004 Val Monte Drive. It is adjacent to our original location, which I’ve heard has now been razed. On arrival at the restaurant, you will need to announce that you are with the BassResource group. In addition to Chris Lane, there will be a raffle to benefit Tackle The Storm foundation.
BTW, dinner is on you.
Thursday. Alpster will be serving his, also world-renowned, Cajun jambalaya to the group. It will also be served at the picnic grounds. As usual, helpers needed at 18:00, dinner served at 19:00. Once again, we will pass the hat, asking for a $5.00 contribution. The highlight of the evening will be the award for the Biggest Bass.
Friday. That’s it folks. Most of us are headed for the house.