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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. As I said, the previous warning system made it difficult for us to leave comments, so most of the previous warnings issued prior to the upgrade don't have comments. The new system not only allows us to provide the details you're asking for, but also introduces a more fair way of providing warnings of minor infractions without a strict "3 strikes" rule like we had with the previous system. And as always, the mods and admins here don't like to issue warnings. We're members first, "spam cops" second, and "rule enforcers" a distant 3rd.
  2. You may view your own warning points by clicking the "warning points" link in your profile information under your avatar. This will open up a page that shows you your warnings and reasons why they were given. Since this is a new system, all previous warnings will have a reason of "other". If you click on the more details button, you may or may not see any additional information. Moving forward, more details and information will be given. In addition, if you receive a warning, you must acknowledge reading the warning before you may post again. So there's no way you won't know if you've been warned. As for protecting clicks - that doesn't happen here, so that comment is unwarranted here. This is a good time to remind everyone to click the "Forum Rules and FAQ's" link on the upper right, just to refresh yourself on the codes of conduct, and to see if there are any changes since you last reviewed them. Again, the vast majority of you are safe and have nothing to worry about.
  3. Not fixed! Seems there's a server issue with the nightly rebuild. Sorry folks, but this bug is going to take a little while longer to fix.
  4. Hey I've been getting a lot of questions about this from folks wondering what it is, so let me explain Before the update a few days ago, you had a "warning status". This kept track of any infractions you logged against the forum policies. Tickets, if you will. There was a 3 strikes rule - 3 infractions lead to being banned. The new system is much more flexible in that it allows "points" to be assigned based upon the severity of the infraction. In addition, the points given can be "temporary", meaning they will remain on your record for a set period of time and then they are removed, or they can be permanent. At this time, the mods and I are still working through this system ourselves, so the point system isn't fully baked just yet. So I cannot tell you what the max points you can get before getting the boot. But the good news is that "0" points is a very good thing, and what you want. Since most of you have zero points, you have nothing to be concerned about. Hope that helps! Glenn
  5. Well, it was working. I made a few changes and inadvertently turned it off again. I'll have it up and running again in a few...
  6. The Plano Alabama Rig Box joins the company's StowAway™ lineup in its popular 3700 series footprint View the full article
  7. Oh yes, they're there...just hidden behind the berfud muddles.
  8. Hello! Once again we've upgraded the forums to give you more options and a better experience. Most of the changes you'll see are minor, the biggest change you'll notice is that the speed of the forums is faster. This was no small feat, as the entire backend essentially needed to be rebuilt, while remaining seamless to you. That said, there are few new features noteworthy of mentioning: Reputation Enhancements Our forum has featured a reputation system since last year, allowing members to give positive or negative reputation to posts. In the last update, we enhanced this by adding a new way of viewing the reputation system, in terms of "liking" content as opposed to giving reputation, which is a more common social feature on websites today. In this new release, we're adding two features to utilize the reputation system in content discovery. Reputation in user's profile We've added a new tab to the profile which allows you to see both the content that the member has most recently liked, as well as content the member has made which has been most recently liked. The tabs at the top allow you to choose which application you want to view content from (forums, pictures, calendar, etc), and also toggle whether you want to see reputation given or reputation received. Content with the highest reputation In addition to the profile tab, we've also created a new page (the link to which appears in the footer next to the top posters, etc.) which shows the content which has the highest rating, or has been liked the most. Just like on the profile tab, you can toggle between which application for which you want to view the content. Misc Enhancements With every release, we like to spend some time identifying areas which can be improved slightly, and small feature suggestions we can use. This release is no exception, and I wanted to highlight just some of the smaller enhancements we've made to make the forums more powerful and easy to use. Login autosave In the update last winter, we introduced a login popup box when you click "Sign In" to make logging in faster. Previously, some browsers would not automatically fill in your username and password like they normally would. We've changed the way this is loaded so that this is no longer the case. It still works exactly as it did before, except browsers will now be able to autofill your login details. Emoticons in sigatures Emoticons (smilies) are now supported in signatures. Also Tagged With We've introduced a killer new feature "Also tagged with". This pairs up perfectly with the tagging system to show a list of topics that share tags from the current topic. The matches are forum wide, so it doesn't just return matched topics from the forum you're in. If you tag a lot of topics up, they'll now show cross referenced below the topic. This makes it easier to find similar posts and topics, especially when you’re researching specific subjects. I hope you enjoy these new features! Glenn
  9. It should be fixed within the next 30 mins or so. Thanks for being patient.
  10. Folks, if you want to get the most from your tow vehicle, then you really need to check out Edge Products. You can select multiple power levels for mileage, towing, and performance - all from one unit. Not only that, you can also: Monitor vital engine data to ensure the safety of your vehicle. Set up and monitor each selected maintenance item based on user-defined parameters Update the software via the Internet (cable included) Display and clear Diagnostic Trouble Codes Connect to optional back-up camera, or other compatible video source directly to the unit. Completely customize the display I'm looking at one of these for our truck. You should too. Edge Products
  11. I've known Mike for about 12 years now and have gone fishing with him - 3 times so far. We also email, talk on the phone, and even Skype every now and then. And I can attest, there is no "act". What you see, is about as real as it gets. That's how he is. Passionate, enthusiastic, and not afraid to show his emotions. As for an "Ike moment", I haven't had one quite like that, although I did let out a very, very loud yell when I lost a 6 1/2 pounder during a tournament once. And I also witnessed my fishing buddy break his rod after losing a 5 pound smallie during a tournament. Ya, we all lose it every now and then. We ALL do. Don't judge lest ye be judged.
  12. Ok, ya, I'd have to change my shorts after that!
  13. Welcome home!
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