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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Glenn

    IMG 0903

    Every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man!
  2. Professional anglers have been kept in the dark about the seventh stop on the circuit — the Mystery Lake Elite June 28-July 1. View the full article
  3. It is now fixed and working properly. Thank you for your patience!
  4. Ok folks, the next RoadTrip will be May 1-6, 2013, on Lake Pickwick! Mark it on your calendar now! Everyone is invited!
  5. Welcome home!
  6. Welcome home!
  7. Welcome home!
  8. Welcome home!
  9. Nope. I have the same truck, with 225K miles. I've used non-synth on a few occasions, but mostly synth-blend the whole time. The key is frequent oil changes more so than whether or not it's synth. I change it every 3-5K miles like clockwork. My truck still runs great. I once bought a Camaro with 100k miles for $2,000, and ran it to 350k miles before selling it. One of the lifters was bad by then, but otherwise it ran well. I'd say I got my money's worth. Oil changes baby.
  10. Good night Irene.
  11. Already had this topic discussed and beaten to death.
  12. And scene...
  13. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! That's exactly spot on. Thank You!
  14. Man, you guys crack me up! If there's any way to totally misunderstand this, you figured it out. I honestly don't know how to explain this any better, but I'll give it one more shot: 1. This is NOT designed to give out MORE warnings. Quite honestly, we usually just send an email as a reminder about the rules, and to let people know what we did and why. Note Mike's message above. No warning given. This won't change. 2. This is NOT designed to get more strict and moderate more. That's the last thing we want to do. 3. This is NOT designed to change anything we've already been doing. So you can stop freaking out, thinking things are going to change. 4. This is simply designed to give a more lenient and tiered system that is more fair to all members. That's it. Nothing more. You can relax now, and go about your business.
  15. Hank Parker just posted his latest article. Check it out! http://www.bassresource.com/hank-parker-fishing/postspawn-fishing.html
  16. It's quite the opposite. People will get banned less because they won't be getting banned for having 3 minor infractions. Wow man, you're really trying hard to find negative things about this. It's time for you to fishing or something.
  17. Welcome home!
  18. Welcome home!
  19. Welcome home!
  20. Welcome home!
  21. Welcome back home!
  22. Also, we won't be making the warnings public. We never have, never will. But you will know your own warnings.
  23. The majority of warnings are done through a group decision of all the mods and admins. We all review the issue and discuss next steps. One mod ends up sending the actual warning, but it's a message from the group. The fact that you have 2 from the same mod is mere coincidence. And no, warnings do get erased with this new system. Banishment will end up somewhere around 20-30 points. Just be thankful you only have 1 point per warning so far. We will be assigning higher point values for more egregious infractions. So rest assured there will be a tiered system based on the severity of the issue.
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