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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. A variation of the blood knot. Very simple. Now why didn't I think of that?
  2. Read these before signing anything: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/buying_a_boat.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/buying_first_boat.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/boat_buying_license.html
  3. If Google streetview came by your neighborhood at the wrong time, what would it see?
  4. By Major League Fishing rule, bass are no longer allowed to hit the deck of the boat. View the full article
  5. Have you seen this? http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/lowrance-video.html
  6. ^^ nailed it ^^ money speaks. Preach - I don't hate them, just sick of seeing them. Especially when there are other teams that much more deserving and better than them - practically every team in the NFL right now. LOL! Seriously, I want to see a good game on prime time or a holiday. The Cowgirls just aren't competitive anymore. Time to stop clinging to the past.
  7. Al has it right. In waves less than 3 feet, you can trim down and use the keel. Bigger waves will require you to trim up. Really big waves - 6' or higher - requires a diagonal approach, else your chances of spearing a wave go up dramatically. Coming off plane and "plowing" oncoming waves with the bow way up is a common practice when it's really rough. One tip: when running with the wind and the waves are small enough you can still run on plane, goose the throttle a bit as you ride up the larger waves. This will help keep the bow up as you ride over the crest, reducing the chances of spearing a wave. The downside is that sometimes you come down with a hard slap. One other tip: If you go airborne and your prop comes out of the water (you'll hear the engine rev up suddenly), get off the throttle asap. You do not want your engine revving as you land. More hubs are broken this way than any other. It may not happen that day, but over time, driving like that will weaken the hub. Then one day it will just "pop" under normal conditions - like when you take off to go down the lake. If you're going airborne, you're going way too fast. Finally, always slow down when you see whitecaps. You'll have more time to "read" the water and adjust to larger waves.
  8. The Cowgirls are simply an awful team. They haven't been relevant in years, yet they still get on Monday night and Sunday night football over and over, plus Thanksgiving. *YAWN!* It's beyond me how a such a below-average team makes it into prime time so much!
  9. Welcome Aboard!
  10. Welcome Aboard!
  11. Welcome Aboard!
  12. Yes, you'll need to remove your motor. Also make sure you use a very good waterproof sealant to prevent leaks.
  13. Tom's a great guy and a regular here. However I've never fished with him. But I have fished with Dean Stroman a few times and highly recommend him. It's been a few year, so I don't know if he's still guiding, but if he is, that would make him the guide that's been there the longest (some 30 years). Suffice to say, he kinda knows the lake.
  14. Might be a Terry boat, mid- to late-70's perhaps.
  15. Oh wow, there's a ton. Here's just a few, in no particular order: Big Lake, Campbell, Clear, Stevens, Silver, Terrell, Whatcom, Goodwin, Shoecraft, Gissberg ponds, Martha lake, Serene, Ballinger, Cassidy, Lake Washington, Sammamish, Samish, Meridian, Stickney, Sunday, beaver, crabapple, Roesiger, Flowing, Panther, Cranberry, Bitter lake, lake Sawyer, and even Green lake. There's more, but you get the idea.
  16. Washington State is proposing an open season on bass up and down the Columbia river, including all it's tributaries. This includes walleye too. All in the name of the all-mighty salmon. For those that are unaware, the Columbia river is one of the top bass fisheries in the country, and has world renowned walleye fishing. Thing is, there are zero studies that show bass and/or walleye deplete salmon populations. In fact, study after study designed to "prove" they eat thousands of salmon fry like sea lions, have all failed, and have in fact proven they DON'T prefer salmon. There is no scientific link between bass and walleye, and salmon populations. But...in Washington state, if it's not a salmon or trout, it's junk fish. Please visit http://wdfw.wa.gov/f...posal.php?id=25 and give them your thoughts via the form at the bottom of the page. They need to hear our voice - across the country!
  17. You asked....
  18. I'm sorry, but you can't say there are "facts" about something you don't believe exists, nor about something we know very little about. My point is very simple: Just because somebody doesn't believe it exists, doesn't make it so. Open, inquisitive minds are the ones that lead to new discoveries, innovation and medical breakthroughs. If it weren't for those people, everyone would still be absolutely, positively convinced the world is still flat....because there was no "proof" otherwise. You don't want to believe it exists, knock yourself out. There was a ton of people that ridiculed Columbus too. But it's clear nobody is going to change their minds on a bass fishing forum. Let's move on...
  19. Happy Birthday Twinkie Man!
  20. There's plenty of bass fishing around Olympia: Black lake, Patterson, St. Clair, Offutt, Long lake, just to name a few. 8-30lb line will cover most situations. You'll find clear water and dirty water, deep and shallow, flippin' and finesse...it's all there.
  21. Here's 10 of the most bizarre ones, just discovered this year: http://theweek.com/article/index/228428/the-10-weirdest-new-species-of-2012 So..... since the newly found species exist, does that mean they didn't exist before because there wasn't any proof? Just saying....
  22. You obviously are forgetting the only TD drive by Greenbay was kept alive by not one, but two terrible ref calls. So take the two "gimmee" TD's away from both teams, and guess what? Seattle scored more than GB. And by your own admittance, that's a win.
  23. Welcome aboard!
  24. Welcome aboard!
  25. Welcome aboard!
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