The city of Philadelphia is known for many things; the Liberty Bell, terribly vicious sports fans and men who insist on looking like Everlast, circa 1992, and now the city of Brotherly Love can add a new claim to fame. According to the folks at Experian Marketing, Philadelphia residents wear sweat suits more than any other city... for the second year in a row.
So, if you go to Philly, it might look like a collection of Olympic athletes competing for the gold in the Fat and Rude Relay. If you've ever been to Philly, this will come as no surprise.
Coming to Seattle from the East Coast, one of the first things you notice is the sheer volume of white people who willingly take the bus. It's stunning. On the East Coast, the only white people who take the bus are either recently released from prison or on their way to a methadone clinic. The sad part is that I'm not joking.
Should you ever go to a state fair... and it can be in any state... you'll probably notice that you've never been around more people who resemble Larry the Cable Guy... and that applies to men AND women. Scary stuff.
It's not always people who shock you. Wanna see abandoned houses, head to Detroit; men in denim shorts, Tennessee has your back; trash on the streets? Baltimore is the place to go. Hit and run accidents, Washington State is Mecca. Today we wanted you to fill- in- the- blank: