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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. You'd think that robbing a house occupied by only a 12- year- old girl would be a relatively easy task... and you'd be wrong. In Oklahoma, a guy kicked in the back door of her house, made his way through the home and entered the room where she was hiding in a closet. As soon as he put his hand on the doorknob, the girl fired the family shotgun through the door. Let's just say that at that point, the robbery attempt came to an abrupt end. And a recent survey was conducted to find out at what age people believe they started making "grown up" decisions. The average age was 28. In addition to the survey, they included a list of 9 signs that you are officially grown up. Truth is, if you live long enough, you're gonna 'grow up', as they say, but that doesn't mean you're not an immature idiot. Most people are a (un) healthy combination of both. Heck, I'm saving for my retirement and paying off my debts, but then, I still think farts are hilarious. Just how it is. Today's question: WHAT ABOUT YOU IS 'ALL GROWN UP NOW', AND HOW ARE YOU STILL A CHILD?
  2. Hurrican Sandy: regardless of how the predictions pan out, boaters need to take heed. View the full article
  3. Many of the same videos are posted on our YouTube channel where you'll be able to watch them on lower bit rates. Thanks! Glenn
  4. Welcome home!
  5. Welcome home!
  6. Welcome home!
  7. Welcome home!
  8. Welcome home!
  9. Welcome home!
  10. Welcome home!
  11. Welcome home!
  12. Welcome home!
  13. Welcome home!
  14. Here ya go! http://www.bassresource.com/fish/jiggingspoons.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/jigging_spoon_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/mike-iaconelli-fishing/small-spoons-bass.html
  15. As board members of Tackle The Storm Foundation - the "Family Of Us" - I can tell you we were absolutely stunned by Aaron's generous donation. It was completely unsolicited and unannounced. We had no idea he was planning on doing this. Words cannot describe how grateful we are; but even more - how grateful the children are. This is a "game-changer" in every sense of word. This, coupled by the recent donations from Pinnacle Fishing and Skeet Reese, are truly changing the lives of disaster-stricken children for the better - in dramatic fashion! THANK YOU so much for your support! Glenn & Keri
  16. Glenn


    Would you spend ANY money on a 20- year- old gallon of barbeque sauce? Well, back in the 90's, McDonald's introduced the McJordan... a burger named after Michael Jordan... which was topped with "McJordan" barbeque sauce. For reasons we can't explain, someone still had a jug of the stuff and they put it up for sale on eBay. For other reasons we can't explain, someone spent $9995 for it. If you think that's stupid (you're not alone) we have a list of the top 10 things the federal government wasted your tax dollars on, including robot squirrels, a study on Gaydar (seriously) and pottery classes for Moroccan residents. You can't make this stuff up. Anyway, anonymous eBay bidders and the feds aren't the only folks to make terrible decisions with $$$. We all have wasted money on something that seemed like a good idea at the time and occasionally, we actually spent money on something that benefitted us. So that brings us to today's question: WHAT WAS YOUR BIGGEST WASTE OF MONEY OR YOUR BEST INVESTMENT?
  17. I use something really high-tech and waterproof.... My pocket.
  18. Priority Entry Now Open For 2013 Walmart FLW Tour View the full article
  19. The city of Philadelphia is known for many things; the Liberty Bell, terribly vicious sports fans and men who insist on looking like Everlast, circa 1992, and now the city of Brotherly Love can add a new claim to fame. According to the folks at Experian Marketing, Philadelphia residents wear sweat suits more than any other city... for the second year in a row. So, if you go to Philly, it might look like a collection of Olympic athletes competing for the gold in the Fat and Rude Relay. If you've ever been to Philly, this will come as no surprise. Coming to Seattle from the East Coast, one of the first things you notice is the sheer volume of white people who willingly take the bus. It's stunning. On the East Coast, the only white people who take the bus are either recently released from prison or on their way to a methadone clinic. The sad part is that I'm not joking. Should you ever go to a state fair... and it can be in any state... you'll probably notice that you've never been around more people who resemble Larry the Cable Guy... and that applies to men AND women. Scary stuff. It's not always people who shock you. Wanna see abandoned houses, head to Detroit; men in denim shorts, Tennessee has your back; trash on the streets? Baltimore is the place to go. Hit and run accidents, Washington State is Mecca. Today we wanted you to fill- in- the- blank: I'VE NEVER SEEN MORE ________ IN MY LIFE UNTIL I WENT TO __________.
  20. 32- year- old Florida native Edward Archibald made national news recently when he entered a competition to win a free python from a local pet store. Basically, whoever could eat the most roaches and worms won the snake... and Ed was the big winner after eating "dozens" of roaches and worms. We'd congratulate him but before he could claim his slithery prize, he died... after eating dozens of roaches and worms. Then there's Felix Baumgartner, the Red Bull skydiver who jumped out of a balloon 23 miles above the Earth. He freefalled for 22 of the 23 miles in an effort to break the sound barrier, which he did. Most of us have no plans to freefall 22 miles or eat roaches and worms, but it doesn't mean we haven't attempted something incredibly stupid just to be able to brag about it later. That's what I wanted to talk about today: WHAT GENIUS IDEA DID YOU TRY AND WHO WERE YOU TRYING TO IMPRESS?
  21. Don't discount the Ravens just yet. They might have some young talent that will take up the slack on defense. The wildcard really is their offense. Flacco is flaky, and so their defense is hot/cold. Atlanta looks good, but they always seem to find ways to lose in the playoffs. Giants have a lot of offensive weapons. They have a stacked deck. They have a shot of making it all the way. Pats might make it. They have a shot of winning their division, and they're a seasoned team that knows what it takes to make it to the big show. 49'rs looked good until this weekend. They got stomped on at their home turf. That smells like inconsistency to me. Seahawks have a shot at winning their division, or making it in as a wildcard. But making it all the way to the big show? Probably not. Broncos? Nope. Monday Night just showed they could beat a very poorly coached SD team (Turner is lucky to still have a job). That said, the AFC West is very weak. Denver might make the playoffs simply because they'll lose the least. It's hard to say, with the way parity is in the NFL is now. It's really going to come down to who remains healthy and who peaks towards the end of the season.
  22. What Tom said. I do all the above, plus if/when I do scratch it with dirty shoes, I use polishing compound to rub the scratches out. I also use BTS protectant all over the boat. It has 100% UV protection.
  23. Oh, I did get the covers for mine. They're optional, but they keep the paint from getting nicked by road debris, rocks, etc. while trailoring.
  24. You'll need the adapter (mounting) brackets, but that's it. I'd recommend the Sportsman 8' model. It's designed for your boat. The pro series is overkill for your boat (it's for fiberglass boats), and a little heavier, and it costs more. You will not need another battery.
  25. They probably got the wrong size mounting brackets. There aren't any size restrictions.
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