The big news over the weekend, in case you, somehow, missed it, was Hurricane Sandy. Many people were killed, there was MASSIVE flooding in New York and New Jersey, the power is out to about 6 million customers and Sandy created a blizzard in Virginia and West Virginia, complete with thunder and lightning. Sandy proved to be a very serious deal... in spite of its tame- like name.
Sandy also provided a bit of irony. You see, a movie about Noah's Ark, starring Russell Crowe (as one of the animals?) had to stop production because of concerns about, well, flooding. It should be noted that they built a replica of the Ark for the movie. Just sayin'.
Also over the weekend, two Boy Scouts were rescued after spending two unpleasant nights in the elements out in the wilderness. Lucky for them, they lived up to the 'Scout motto, "Be Prepared". That's fine, but are you?
All of us, at some time or another, have had the misfortune of having to deal with Mother Nature when she was feeling particularly moody and today we wanted your stories: WHEN WAS IT YOU VS. NATURE?