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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. 42 anglers from 13 countries descend on Lake Bastrop, Austin, Texas. Tuesday, November 6 is the first day of competition and the first step View the full article
  2. Welcome Home!
  3. Wow! That's awful! But I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. I pray for those that have lost everything.
  4. Oh snap! Might be a good idea to go over to your neighbor and apologize.
  5. Just another excuse people are using to avoid parenting their children.
  6. I'm a country fan, don't like Taylor. I admire her marketing prowess, but nothing about her singing is what I would consider "talent". She's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Somebody said something about her "old stuff" vs. "new stuff"??? I didn't know there was such a thing. It's all the same to me. ....um especially since she hasn't been around long enough to have "old stuff". LOL! If you like her, that's fine by me. But she's just not my bag of tea.
  7. Prayers sent.
  8. The big news over the weekend, in case you, somehow, missed it, was Hurricane Sandy. Many people were killed, there was MASSIVE flooding in New York and New Jersey, the power is out to about 6 million customers and Sandy created a blizzard in Virginia and West Virginia, complete with thunder and lightning. Sandy proved to be a very serious deal... in spite of its tame- like name. Sandy also provided a bit of irony. You see, a movie about Noah's Ark, starring Russell Crowe (as one of the animals?) had to stop production because of concerns about, well, flooding. It should be noted that they built a replica of the Ark for the movie. Just sayin'. Also over the weekend, two Boy Scouts were rescued after spending two unpleasant nights in the elements out in the wilderness. Lucky for them, they lived up to the 'Scout motto, "Be Prepared". That's fine, but are you? All of us, at some time or another, have had the misfortune of having to deal with Mother Nature when she was feeling particularly moody and today we wanted your stories: WHEN WAS IT YOU VS. NATURE?
  9. Ya, this was a big a storm. I've talked to many folks in that area, and from what they tell me, the major devastation shown on the news is thankfully isolated. That said, I know too well what it's like to be without power for days on end, and have major roads blocked by hundreds of downed trees. Again, I feel bad for those affected.
  10. BFE? There's 6 million people living in my area, with the 3rd worst traffic in the country. Now try telling them they don't live in a heavily populated area. I feel bad for the few that have experienced property damage or personal injury in all this. I understand a few people have died, and that's horrible news. But i haven't heard whether or not they're storm-related deaths.
  11. I've been seeing constant updates on TV and the Web, and you'd think it's the end of the world. Seems like a big rainstorm to me. We get these all the time over in my neck of the woods....and we "natives" still don't own umbrellas. LOL!
  12. Couple other lakes to try, but you'll find the same access trouble: Pattison, Black lake, Offutt, and Deep Lake. Deep lake has the best shore fishing of them all, because it's in a State park and has a trail around most of it.
  13. What lakes/areas are you fishing?
  14. Welcome home!
  15. Welcome home!
  16. And we're back!
  17. Welcome home!
  18. Yep, when I went to the ER, they tried 3 different drugs (morphine, demerol, and something else I don't remember) until they finally gave me something strong enough that finally worked. It blew me away - not that it took several tries, but that there's an actual pain killer out there that can take away THAT pain. And I wish I were lucky enough to get dry heaves. Mine weren't dry.
  19. Yup, I had one....once. Never again. That's indescribable pain I never want to experience again. I changed my diet afterwards and have been clean ever since (5 years now). Mine did not require surgery, so I started feeling better actually before it passed (not 100% mind you, but better). It laid me up for about 2 days. Guess I was lucky.
  20. Here's a video I shot with O.T. Fears demonstrating the reel. Kinda cool... http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/us-reel-video.html
  21. Hmmm.... gotta love the news hype about Sandy. A little wind, and a little rain, and suddenly it's "THE STORM OF THE CENTURY!" lol. Heck, over here in the PNW, we get strong winds (35+) and heavy rain several times a year. Had a storm a few years ago that knocked out power to 4 million people. We had a gust in my neighborhood clocked at 110 mph. Not a peep of it was on the national news. Last winter we had a mega-ice storm that shut down 23 miles of freeway, caused billions in damage, and knocked out power to millions. Again, nothing about it said on the national news. Y'all get a puff of wind and a little moisture and it's "the end of the world!" lol! ^ making fun of the news there guys ^ Hope it's not as bas as they say, and everyone stays safe!
  22. I looked at within 2 mins of the original post. Got me to smile.
  23. You'd think that robbing a house occupied by only a 12- year- old girl would be a relatively easy task... and you'd be wrong. In Oklahoma, a guy kicked in the back door of her house, made his way through the home and entered the room where she was hiding in a closet. As soon as he put his hand on the doorknob, the girl fired the family shotgun through the door. Let's just say that at that point, the robbery attempt came to an abrupt end. And a recent survey was conducted to find out at what age people believe they started making "grown up" decisions. The average age was 28. In addition to the survey, they included a list of 9 signs that you are officially grown up. Truth is, if you live long enough, you're gonna 'grow up', as they say, but that doesn't mean you're not an immature idiot. Most people are a (un) healthy combination of both. Heck, I'm saving for my retirement and paying off my debts, but then, I still think farts are hilarious. Just how it is. Today's question: WHAT ABOUT YOU IS 'ALL GROWN UP NOW', AND HOW ARE YOU STILL A CHILD?
  24. Hurrican Sandy: regardless of how the predictions pan out, boaters need to take heed. View the full article
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