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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. With a more fuel-efficient high-performance power source complete with a 5-year warranty. https://bit.ly/3KLdD3C
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  2. My very active, fit, and healthy 87-year-old father-in-law walks an average 5 miles a day (not all at once, but through the course of the day), exercises with light weights, and eats light, healthy meals throughout the day....and enjoys a beer or two every day. The dude has more endurance and energy than me!
  3. Just to clarify, you didn't like the rod because it was too heavy for you, not because of quality or warranty-related issues. That's a fair point. It's great there are so many rod companies out there. You can find one that suits your needs perfectly, so there's absolutely no need for a one-size-fits-all rod brand. What works for one person doesn't for another. It's the same with reels, lines, lures, boats, trucks, etc: whatever you prefer, you will always find a group of people who hate them. It still doesn't mean you made a bad choice.
  4. My sincere condolences to you, Ken. Glenn
  5. Just dropped!
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  6. I've been using them for 5 months now, and have caught plenty of smallmouth and largemouth on both the baitcasting and spinning rods without any issues with the reel seats. Well....no issues with anything on the rods at all. It's funny on these forums. Guys will bemoan the fact that there are so many knockoffs and copycats, and nobody is introducing anything new. Every lure, every reel, every rod, every boat do-hicky is just a copy of something else. All the time you see it here. Then, when somebody comes out with something new and different, guys will pounce on it and try as hard as possible not to like it. They'll find every reason under the sun to hate it; even make stuff up to justify their aversion to something new. Any positive claims about said product are quickly denounced no matter what the claims are. Seems like nobody is happy about anything these days! LOL C'mon guys, fishing is supposed to be fun. Leave the negativity out of it. There's already too much of it in this world.
  7. Long ago past history. Let's get back on topic.
  8. Should FFS be used in the NFL? ...aaand Go! 🤣
  9. Try asking it to draw a depthfinder! LOL
  10. LOL! Sorry man, you put it out there!
  11. LOL! I love how the Dallas media leaves out the most crucial part of the story: The NFL has dished out punishments to the entire officiating crew! https://www.si.com/nfl/cowboys/news/dallas-cowboys-vs-detroit-lions-referees-reveals-punishment-brad-allen-officiating-crew-goofs-dan-campbell So ya, the officials did indeed blow that call, and the NFL agrees.
  12. I've been using AI for about a year, and not just free images.
  13. Fixed it for you.
  14. Posted minutes ago! https://www.bassresource.com/fishing/finding-hotspots.html
  15. ...and Counterfeit products. https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/personal-finance/articles/some-shoppers-are-fleeing-amazon-because-of-counterfeit-goods/ Amazon announced last spring it removed over 6 million counterfeit products. 6 million?! And that's what they knew about! How many more are still on Amazon? Be careful guys.
  16. Milliken used to be a member here: @FishnBen He hasn't been here in a long time. Take out of that what you will.
  17. ALF is no longer on the list. I know the list isn't published, but a quick rule of thumb, is after you post something, read it. If it contains ***, then it's on the list. You can then edit the post or delete it (immediately after posting). You won't get penalized for an accidental post like that. But if it's habitual, or if you're deliberately trying to skirt around the ***, then you'll get a warning. If it happens again, you'll get another warning, and so on, until it becomes apparent the warnings are being ignored. Then stronger action may be required to, ah, get your attention. Unfortunately, there's no way to apply it to public posts but not PM's. The program isn't that sophisticated. So...no need to tiptoe around. If you step out of bounds, you'll know - and nothing bad will happen unless it continues.
  18. @Gnarwhal To be clear, posts are rarely deleted. As you can see here, whatever post you thought would get deleted hasn't been removed (I don't know what post that is, I just know we haven't deleted anything for quite a long time). I don't know where you get the notion we routinely delete posts, but PM me if you have any questions. Happy to help!
  19. I had 2 different ex-girlfriends get all up in arms about how much fishing I did, and tried to get me go less. That's why they're EX-girlfriends. 😎 When I met my (future) wife, I told her on one of our first dates, "Look, I fish a lot....no, really, A LOT! That means I spend most weekends on the water. Fishing isn't what I do, it's who I am. Now, you're welcome to try it if you want. If you like it, great. If you don't, that's fine too. But what you can never do, is tell me I can't go fishing. That will never work with me." She tried it in my aluminum BassTracker-style boat, and immediately told me that if I expected her to go fishing with me I would need a bigger boat. We'll be married 20 years in February.
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