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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Merry Christmas Bobby, and best wishes to you and your family!
  2. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and your family!
  3. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and your family!
  4. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and your family!
  5. Two words: French Press
  6. And it bet it only took you 3 seconds to make that post! LOL!
  7. Esophagial spasm? I had no idea there was such a thing. How does that happen and can it be prevented from happening again?
  8. Recently a 13- year- old girl gained support from celebrity TV chefs when she petitioned toy- maker Hasbro to create a 'gender- neutral' Easy- Bake Oven. After meeting with the girl, Hasbro announced on Monday that they will, in fact, make black and silver versions to appeal to both boys and girls. Now, the girl's parents can always brag that their daughter is responsible for the new toy your son is embarrassed to own. Meanwhile, since being posted to YouTube, over 3 million people have watched the video of a golden eagle swooping down and snatching a baby in a park. Turns out that the video was a hoax created by 3 Canadian animation students. That's a shame too because the kid in the video would have had a heckuva story to tell. And also as of this week, parents of a local high school student can tell the story about that time their kid managed to have an entire school evacuated because of what was initially reported as a homemade bomb. Turns out it was a firework, but why let the truth get in the way of a juicy headline? Whatever the case, the kid is in trouble and you can bet that his parents will be sharing that story until his dying day. Today we wanted YOU TO FILL- IN- THE- BLANK: my parents always tell the story growing up when ________ happened to me.
  9. I'm relieved your ok! But what was it?
  10. RageTail has easily become my #1 line of plastic baits I use now. They catch fish, and last long too!
  11. Mike is always eager to share his knowledge here too. Top notch guy with top notch quality and customer service!
  12. Pinnacle has some great new rods and reels hitting the market right now. Top notch stuff!
  13. That's awesome Mike! Keep up the great work!
  14. I have the Power-Pole Blades and love them! Very quiet operation, and strong enough to hold you swift current!
  15. I'm going to have to get some!
  16. Glenn

    Yule Log

    My wife won't let me play the "yule log" on TV on Christmas day. I have no idea why.
  17. Well the stock market took a dump, but that's about it. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius!
  18. Total fake: http://cosmiclog.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/19/16021454-that-kid-snatching-eagle-video-fake?lite I live around eagles, and knew instantly that this was a fake. That didn't look like a golden eagle for one, and that "baby" was way too big for an eagle to target.
  19. If the Mayans were so good at predicting the future, wouldn't there be more Mayans around today? Just sayin'
  20. Glenn

    sanded waxed

    Wow! She looks brand new!
  21. Welcome Home!
  22. Welcome Home!
  23. Welcome Home!
  24. Welcome Home!
  25. Welcome Home!
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