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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. World-Renowned Angler Bests All Tackle World Record Length Largemouth Bass View the full article
  2. Thank you so much everyone! Y'all know how to make a guy feel.... ....old!
  3. BassResource hats, shirts, and more can be found here: http://www.companycasuals.com/bassresource/
  4. Oh! And yes, I do have some Chickory coffee straight from LA, but I don't think it's strong enough, so I gotta mix it in with my dark roast to give it a different flavor.
  5. I never heard of an Aeropress before. I may need to check into that. Here's the type of "French Press" i was referring to!
  6. Well, how did everyone's predictions fare so far? Me? Looks like I got most of my predictions right, but I was wrong about the Broncos and Giants.
  7. Hey BassResource fans, I wanted to let you know that I’ve updated the forums to include a few new features and enhancements. Note that you may need to clear your cache and/or refresh your browser in order to see the new features. The Best Answer Feature The nature of our forums invites questions such as “how to” or “what’s the best” type of questions. These forums often generate a lot of topics with many replies and it can often be confusing for other readers to know which reply definitively answered the original question. The update comes with a brand new 'best answer' feature. This enables the topic starter, moderators and admins to mark a post as the best answer. Now a typical question topic will show when the best answer has been flagged. You'll also notice that at the top, a small excerpt of the post is shown with a button to go and read the full post. This is useful for when the best answer may be on a different page than the one you're viewing. Looking at the forum view, you'll see that the answered topic has a badge that when clicked takes you to the flagged post. You can also quickly filter the forum list to remove answered or unanswered topics. This will be handy when searching on common questions! I hope you enjoy this new feature. I know that it's been requested many times and I’m very pleased to include it! Editor improvements The editor (what you use when posting topics) has now been completely rewritten to increase stability and to remove random, annoying bugs. This is very exciting because it also eliminates hundreds of lines of code, thus speeding up the forums. We've also taken the time to improve several other elements within the editor: Code Boxes The code box has been improved to allow you to select the code format (HTML, Javascript, PHP, etc) and a starting line number. Tabs and spaces are also preserved correctly. Live Previews When adding quote and code boxes, the editor will now preview them live. I’m confident that by rewriting the editor and parsing engines, posting will be much more stable and reduce those annoyances which can sometimes crop up when writing complex posts. Miscellaneous Enhancements Share a single post A common feature request has been the ability to share a single post. You might want to share a great reply to a topic on Facebook or perhaps email a link to an interesting post to a friend. You can now do this by clicking either the post number or the little share icon to the right of the post number. This brings up a new modal window. Editor Pasting A lot of the time you find that you just want to paste plain text into the editor so you don't have to then remove formatting such as background and font colors. We've made this an option from within the editor via the new Options icon (far right on the screen shot). You can still paste as rich text by clicking on the relevant paste button on the top right section of the toolbar. I hope you like the new features! Note that you may need to clear your cache and/or refresh your browser in order to see the new features. Also note that if you're having any issues, please clear your cache and/or refresh your browser.
  8. Hank just posted his more recent article, exclusively on BassResource.com! Check it out! http://www.bassresource.com/hank-parker-fishing/striped-hybrid-bass.html
  9. I noticed that. Same with Kahr.
  10. Correction - I'm all about keeping spam out of these forums. You've only been here since 2010, but prior to 2007, the spam here was really bad, and the complaints from members was high. So the rules in place today are a result, and are intended to keep the egregious self-promotions out of the forums. Unfortunately, when we make "special" exceptions, then we're accused of not applying the rules evenly. So now the rules are strictly enforced in the spirit of fairness to all. Jnatale3 - to answer your question, there's a place within your profile where you can add your Facebook information. Go to "my setting" (click on your name in the menu bar above), and then find the field labeled "Facebook". You do not need to enter the entire URL, just the part that follows "facebook.com/" Thanks! Glenn
  11. Most fireworks shows are good. But when it's a competition, then that's a whole new ballgame. It makes the good shows look pretty bland...
  12. Ok guys, here it is.....the long awaited 2012 RoadTrip video!! Yes, I know it's way late, but had a lot of technical issues with it. First my computer wouldn't play some of the submitted videos, then the video editing software I use wouldn't export the final edited video...then it froze up whenever I opened the project. So I did a lot of repair work on my computer, even uninstalling and reinstalling the editing software.....to no avail. Finally I broke down and upgraded the editing software, and it worked - but I still had to re-edit the video all over again! Finally, it's finished! Apologies for the delay. http://www.bassresou...ville-2012.html Enjoy! Glenn
  13. Welcome Home!
  14. Welcome Home!
  15. Welcome Home!
  16. Welcome Home!
  17. Welcome Home!
  18. Welcome Home!
  19. Welcome Home!
  20. Hey BassResource Fans, Here's a great video that takes the mystery out of selecting the right size and style of hook for different baits. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/choose-hook.html Enjoy!
  21. You know folks, the past 2 months have been really rough on America. We witnessed a bitter presidential race that divided communities, brutal, senseless murders, and tragic natural disasters. With all these things happening around us, we can easily forget that humans can be even more awesome, more incredible, and more powerful than the darkest darkness life can dish out. This video, although many of you may have already seen it, has come at a time when we can easily let the darkness overwhelm us and pull us under. If you haven't seen it already, watch it, and let it remind you of just how incredible the human spirit is; and how much you cherish your friends and family, for they are what life is truly all about....
  22. Merry Christmas!
  23. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and your family!
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