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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Huh? Really? Nothing could be further from the truth. I have nothing to hide, and have been nothing but honest. Your accusations are baseless. But thanks for trying.
  2. Oh man, as if cabin fever wasn't bad enough! Love the video, and a nice hat tip to Mike D at Lunkerville!
  3. Funny how misconceptions are presented as "fact". Reality is - we rarely edit threads. The exceptions are noted by RW above. Aside from spam, the downright disgusting, insulting, and rude remarks during a heated exchange are subject to removal. Besides obvious reasons, this also protects the offenders from getting "bad" reputations. So, Stasher1, if you have a beef about a post of yours being edited or removed, then that is why it happened, and now you've let the world know about it. As for banning folks, I think ya'll would be surprised we usually ban a few people every week. 99.9% of them are blatant spammers. But you guys don't see it. So don't assume this site is spam free all by itself. The mods are hard at work keeping spammers out on a daily basis.
  4. Lanier is running away from the rest of the field at the Bassmaster Southern Open on the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes in Central Florida. View the full article
  5. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/110370-warning-points/
  6. Sweet rig! You're going to love it!
  7. Yahoo! We now have 12 states represented. C'mon folks, step up and represent!
  8. Ok.... I love this! ^^
  9. I used to two my father's 1970 16' Terry boat with my '74 Camaro! Oh that raised a number of eyebrows as I traveled down the freeway. LOL! But hey, it worked. I never took a picture of it hooked up to the boat. Wish I had now. My father still has that boat, and we still fish out of it. Kinda fun.
  10. Dang man, something went wrong with the surgery no doubt. Something seriously went wrong. I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope they get it right asap. As for your ex - been there done that (been cheated on). So have many of my friends. Best advice I have for you is to don't let it harden you. Soon you'll discover that what she did opened up the opportunity of finding the true, right person for you. Somebody you would've never found had you not gone through that. Hard to believe right now, I know. But it will make sense to you someday.
  11. With a powerful, go anywhere, touch screen navigation display the Raymarine a67 is the choice of serious anglers looking for a powerful GPS/Sonar combo with extensive add-on options. Check it out!
  12. Tony - we have edited multiple threads, sent multiple warnings, posted public warnings on multiple threads, locked several threads, and suspended 2 people - all in the gun forums within the past month - yet the political and pointed comments continue. Seems as soon as one problem is removed, another steps up to take its place. So now you all have a decision to make collectively - abide by our very few and simple rules, or we'll remove the "honey" that some find too irresistible to taste. I don't owe you an explanation Tony, but I grew up around guns and often go shooting with my dad, who ranks in the top 5 of the nation's top competitive sporting clay shooters in his age group. You don't get that good by target practicing a few times a year. I am also currently getting extensive firearms training and instruction from a retired police firearms instructor - at a police firing range, which allows you do "do things" not allowed at public ranges. So my viewpoints on guns have nothing to do with my stern warning. Rather they have everything to do with maintaining the peace. And when all of the above measures fail to do the work, then we have no choice but to make major changes. We're at that crossroads now.
  13. Oh ya! Let the pigeons loose!
  14. Tony - take a deep breath and reread my post. I didn't say you couldn't talk about the topic. I said to leave your political viewpoints out of it. Geeze, what a drama queen. LOL!
  15. It's so great to have such a legend writing original articles on BassResource.com for all to enjoy. Here's Hank's latest article: Tracking Bass Movements
  16. Hey guys, I know gun control is a big topic these days, but you gotta remember there is a very strict "no politics" rule here. Many of you are forgetting - or ignoring - this rule. I'm sick of editing political comments - pro or con - regarding lawmakers and party lines in your state or in DC. This is not the place for it. So check your political views at the door, or don't post. I've asked and warned you guys about this several times in the past few weeks, and I'm done with it. Continued violation of this rule will result in the elimination of the gun forums altogether.
  17. One of the most effective cold water baits is the suspending jerkbait. Cold water and sluggish bass are no problem for a suspending Smithwick Rogue! What's your favorite jerkbait color? http://www.lurenet.com/brands/smithwick-lures?cn=WB82&att=WB82
  18. My first boat was a tin boat. But that was dictated by budget more than by choice. That said, I got all the "stupid" mistakes out of my system with the aluminum, meaning they were less costly mistakes. LOL! But if I could do it over again, I'd go straight to fiberglass. Now all this talk about trucks....I have to admit, I have two. I have a 1999 F-250 V-10 that did very well towing both the aluminum and the Ranger 520 Commanche. But when I wanted to get a camper...well I had to upgrade to this baby. An F-450 King Ranch edition dually Diesel! 600hp and 850lbs of torque baby! She pulls the boat and camper over the passes better than the F-250 just towing the boat! Got her decked out with Ride-Rite air springs w/built-in compressor, Stable Load suspension upgrade, and a Tork-lift Superhitch Magnum with a 3' SuperTruss Extension. We're talking 23,000 lbs towing capacity boys! Bad to the bone!
  19. He's baaaaack! There's a little rumor going around about you....something about a girl....and a ring....? Congrats!
  20. Welcome Home!
  21. Welcome Home!
  22. Welcome Home!
  23. Welcome Home!
  24. Welcome Home!
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