I fished out of a Sevylor 6 for a few years. Great boat, but I would not recommend standing in it - it's not stable enough. Which means it's biggest drawback is that you're almost level with the water - even when sitting on the edges (which I recommend). That makes it difficult, but not unmanageable.
Another drawback with this boat, and all boats like it, is wind. The slightest puff of air will scoot you across the water in a heartbeat. It's a pain. I tried using a windsock, but that never worked. Anchors work, but that's a lot of extra weight to have in an inflatable. I recommend using a clothesline string with an alligator clip at the end. Tie it off and clamp it onto an overhanging branch, or even weeds like lily pads works wonders.
But if there's more than a slight chop in the water, just don't bother going out. You'll just get frustrated trying to control the boat.
You might have better luck with a used Jon Boat, or something similar. Here's a great article that will help you find one on the cheap: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/buying-a-used-jon-boat.html