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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Welcome Home!
  2. Welcome Home!
  3. Welcome Home!
  4. Welcome Home!
  5. MegaStrike is smeared on all my lures. It makes a difference!
  6. Just curious...what about the Hobie Pro 14? Why hasn't that been mentioned? Is that out of the price range, or is it something else?
  7. Hey, so now it's my turn to ask a question. My tournament bags are getting a bit haggard, and starting to get very small pinhole leaks. So it's time to replace them. I'm looking for black bags that have NO ribbing in them whatsoever. Ribs can rub off the protective slime coat on fish, so I want bags that are nice and smooth. I've seen them out there, but don't recall the brand or where to find them. Any ideas?
  8. The University of North Carolina-Charlotte team of Eric Self and Shane Lehew won the FLW College Fishing tournament on Lake Guntersville View the full article
  9. Maybe you heard, maybe you didn't, but a man outside Tampa, Florida went missing this morning. The thing is, everyone kinda knows where he is, but they can't get to him. See, the guy was sleeping in his bedroom when A GINAT SINKHOLE OPENED UNDER HIS BEDROOM and swallowed him up. Seriously. The sinkhole, estimated to be 30 feet across at the surface and 100 FEET ACROSS below the surface, opened under his bedroom while he slept... and that was it. Gone. A lot of people go to bed stressed about what they have to face the following day, or still deep in thought about what happened earlier, but most of us don't worry too much about what's gonna happen to us WHILE we sleep. We lock our doors, turn off the lights and take solace in the idea that the earth won't eat us...and for some of us, that is the wrong assumption. Every- so- often, something weird happens to us or around us while we sleep and all we can do is try to make sense of it when we wake up. That brings us to today's topic: I'LL NEVER FORGET THE TIME I WOKE UP TO ___________.
  10. Happy Birthday Gary! I SAID HAPPY BIR- .... oh never mind!
  11. Most of us recognize that Drano is one of the common components in the production of meth... and if you didn't know, now you do. Most of us also recognize that the people who choose to make meth aren't always the brightest minds. Case- in- point, 6 people were arrested in Santa Rosa County for their involvement in making meth at an apartment complex. Thing is, there was a child in the home and that child drank Drano. Why? Because, in spite of a child BEING in the house, these geniuses kept Drano in SIPPY CUPS... the multi- colored, plastic children's cups that all little kids use to drink. The kid is currently in critical condition. While this is an extreme case, everyone has accidentally or unintentionally consumed something because we thought it was something else. My mother once ate pot brownies because she thought they were regular brownies. She had a great night that night. ("Her friends were sooooo funny!") And who hasn't gotten a mouthful of cigarette butts or spit because they thought there was BEER in that beer can? And, if you live in Europe you only recently discovered that you've been eating as much horse as you have beef. Burger King, IKEA and a truckload of grocery stores there have had to discontinue serving their 'beef' because there's so much horse meat in it. Smoking, eating, or drinking: WHAT DID YOU INGEST THAT WASN'T WHAT YOU THOUGHT IT WAS?
  12. Y'all know this is all tongue-in-cheek, right?
  13. Ahhhh! Run away! (read that ala "Halo" grunt)
  14. FLW Tour Pro Justin Lucas has joined the Rigid Industries Torture Team. Lucas who is in his fourth season as an FLW Tour pro has won over $435,000 with FLW Outdoors. View the full article
  15. Local angler boats a 11.14 and then a 11.83 the next day on Pickwick William Davis of the Shoals Area was doing what a lot of tournament bass anglers do before a tournament- checking out places to fish and looking for honey holes on Pickwick Lake with an Alabama Rig®. Davis was fishing several miles downriver from Florence, AL, McFarland Park. He was working a ledge in the Waterloo, AL area fishing eight feet of water when Davis’ Hammer rod bowed under a tremendous strike on his Alabama Rig. Read the whole story on Southern Fishing News Home Page and click on the News-Stories menu ( http://southernfishingnews.com/home.html).
  16. Sorry guys, but I gotta lock this down. We have a very strict "No Religion" policy here. Please read the policy for further clarification: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/53719-politicalreglious-posts/
  17. Cliff Pace of Petal, Miss., now owns what only 33 others can claim: a Bassmaster Classic title. View the full article
  18. No Excuses!
  19. i talked with Randy Hopper today, and he said, "Not yet". They won't be building a 522C "yet", but it's in the planning.
  20. Glad you're having fun! Now that I know what you look like, I'll keep an eye out for you tomorrow! I'd love to meet you.
  21. The form is located here: http://www.bassresource.com/pickwick/RoadTrip-2013-Reg.pdf '
  22. Hey folks - If you didn't know it already, BassResource has a Facebook page! We polls and questions every day, people post their pictures, get to be the first to learn about new articles, and more! Check us out: https://www.facebook.com/bassresource
  23. Buying a life jacket that your child can grow into is a big mistake. This child's life jacket doesn't move up over his ears when gently lifting - a good fit. View the full article
  24. Keep an eye on Jason Christie. This guy could take it. That said, I'd like to see Aaron Martins, Shaw Grigsby or Gary Klein take it one of these years. These guy paid there dues, and earned it.
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