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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Welcome home!
  2. Welcome home!
  3. Welcome home!
  4. Welcome home!
  5. Welcome home!
  6. Looks like they got the other one. Justice served. ...in a boat.
  7. The pedals are extremely easy to put in/remove. Take a look at this video, and watch how effortlessly he uninstalls/installs the pedals: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/hobie.html
  8. Well crud Carl!! I was really looking forward to seeing you there! We'll miss you. I guess I'll have to catch a fish (or two or three) in your honor! On another note, Procrafter and I live about 5 miles apart from each other. And you're right, the flight back home is killer!
  9. Outstanding!! Congratulations on the writeup!
  10. Perhaps of interest.. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/bull-shoals.html
  11. Kevin VanDam had an extremely nasty approaching weather on his mind. 'We’re fixing to get hammered' View the full article
  12. Today's forecast: Windy with showers and thunderstorms likely. A few storms may be severe, especially during the morning. Storms may produce large hail and strong winds. High around 70F. Winds WSW at 20 to 30 mph. Rainfall may reach one inch. Good call B.A.S.S.
  13. They called it today due to severe thunderstorms in the area, which are forecasted to continue throughout the day. I don't know about you, but there's no way I'd be out on the water when there's lightening all around.
  14. Oklahoma’s Jason Christie threw a YUM Flash Mob Jr. for the win this weekend at the FLW Tour Event on Arkansas’ Beaver Lake. He also set the record for largest total weight for a Beaver Lake FLW event, and caught View the full article
  15. There's nothing to worry about. There's very little torque applied. Remember, you're static...not moving. That said, last fall I held my boat in the middle of the Columbia river (on a small island) directly in heavy current (couldn't hold position in anything but full power on my Minn Kota 101), and they held with no problem. Yup, they were sideways, and still they stuck. The transom was fine. No issues whatsoever. I even checked all the bolts on the engine mounts afterwards, and none had budged or worked loose.
  16. Mike, you nailed it. I'm impressed!
  17. If you fish, your ship has just come in. Hobie Cat makes awesome fishing machines! Check them out!
  18. One of my favorite lines, which I still use today, is "I learn it from a book!"
  19. shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count.... ....run away! It's.... Na, never watched them. Never watched Faulty Towers either. Never heard of it.
  20. Jason Christie lead on day three of the FLW Tour at Beaver Lake. View the full article
  21. Hey folks! This year we've got some great stuff lined up for the annual raffle! Remember, 100% of the proceeds are donated to Tackle The Storm foundation, so you get to win some awesome prizes and help out a great organization!
  22. Fact check Wayne - the site you mention is about many species of freshwater AND saltwater fish. Our primary focus is bass fishing. So yes, that makes us the most popular BASS FISHING site in the world!
  23. Cool. Bring your cameras! I need pics for the video (and remember, you cell phone takes videos now). No vids/pics = no video.
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