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  1. Welcome Home!
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  7. I found some videos on Lurenet's site. I was a bit surprised because I hadn't noticed them before. Check them out - http://www.lurenet.com/videos
  8. Ya, scary thing. All the local TV channels broke in and covered it for 4-5 hrs last night. But it was good to see so many private boaters appear on the scene in an instant. Even the Dept. of Fish & Wildlife got their boat in on the action. Rescue went flawlessly. The only injury was to a bystander who fell off the dike and broke her arm. Over-height truck hit one of the overhead beams, thus bringing it down. However, they're saying a car cut in front of him, which made him swerve over to the side where the beams are lower. This is the only major artery into Canada for hundreds of miles. It's a major, major blow to trucking, travelers, and transportation.
  9. T-Mobile has 50% more bandwidth than ATT, meaning faster speeds and downloads. No carrier has 100% coverage, so you're always going to find somebody who's not happy with their coverage, regardless of who they're with. My suggestion would be to look at their coverage map for your location and see if it's a good fit before purchasing: http://t-mobile-coverage.t-mobile.com/
  10. Geeze guys, you're really over-complicating things. T-Mobile makes is simple. 1st - no contract.....ever. 2nd - You don't even have to buy a new phone to join. Just bring your own. Get a new phone whenever you want, including the iPhone. No waiting until a contract renewal to get one. 3rd - The rate plan: $50 - 500mb data/mo $60 - 2GB data/mo $70 - Unlimited data All come with unlimited text/talk Add another line for just $30/mo; $10/mo thereafter for additional lines. Simple. Done.
  11. Bob - glad you like your rods and they work for you. 7 pages of....ya, well....it's just fishing folks. When you find yourself getting all worked up over fishing gear, it's time for a reality check. Let's move on and have some fun.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Biggest mistake you can make is to set aside your gut instincts in an attempt to appease others. Trust me, it never turns out good. You're gut is telling you that you don't feel comfortable about this and don't want to be a part of it. Trust it.
  14. We do NOT condone illegal activity on this site. Trespassing is illegal. You properly asked permission (good for you!), didn't like the answer, so you ignored it (shame on you!). You got lucky once when an employee looked the other way, but don't count on it. He could get fired for that - perhaps he already has, or has since quit and been replaced with a much stricter employee. When you are caught and are brought up on charges, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself. So don't even THINK about complaining at that point. Bottom line when fishing golf courses or other private ponds, ask permission. If permission is given, be respectful and don't leave any trash, damage any plants or property, and don't abuse the privilege. If permission is denied, respect that and move on to another golf course or property owner until you find one who'll give you that "yes" you seek. There's no gray area on this. You don't have to like the answer, but you must respect it, and abide by it.
  15. This really is an amazing and heart warming effort. Looking at the massive destruction of Moore OK...and the face of the children from the destroyed elementary schools full of tears and terror....I got all choked up thinking about what you guys are doing. We're already in contact with several bass clubs in the area. As soon as rebuilding efforts begin, your love will be sent their way. To remove the tears. To remove the fear. And to show we care. To show that strangers from around the world who never met them, are there to support them. A rod and reel may not seem like much, but to change a frightened tearful face into a smiling giggling bundle of joy means everything. I can't thank you guys enough.
  16. Here's the only link you need: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/mike_iaconelli.html
  17. Really? That was, what, 7 or 8 years ago. Why bring it up again? For the record, he discovered dead fish in his livewell, got PO'd, and took it out on his rear light pole by breaking it in half and throwing it down. In his frenzy, he hadn't realized there was a flag attached to the pole. He profusely apologized later. He would never disrespect the flag intentionally, and was horrified once he realized what happened.
  18. T-shirt weather welcomed a field of 157 pros and co-anglers to Logan Martin Lake on the first day of the Bassmaster Southern Open. View the full article
  19. That is one awesome, awesome video!! I watched the whole thing. I'm impressed!
  20. Welcome home!
  21. Welcome home!
  22. Welcome back!
  23. Welcome home!
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  25. Welcome home!
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