We do NOT condone illegal activity on this site. Trespassing is illegal. You properly asked permission (good for you!), didn't like the answer, so you ignored it (shame on you!). You got lucky once when an employee looked the other way, but don't count on it. He could get fired for that - perhaps he already has, or has since quit and been replaced with a much stricter employee.
When you are caught and are brought up on charges, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself. So don't even THINK about complaining at that point.
Bottom line when fishing golf courses or other private ponds, ask permission. If permission is given, be respectful and don't leave any trash, damage any plants or property, and don't abuse the privilege. If permission is denied, respect that and move on to another golf course or property owner until you find one who'll give you that "yes" you seek.
There's no gray area on this. You don't have to like the answer, but you must respect it, and abide by it.