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  11. Tangent Airlines has now departed! Ok kids, back on topic.
  12. Seattle (where I live) had a strange week last week. On Wednesday, two guys got into an argument about TV volume. After exchanging a few choice words and colorful metaphors, one of the men was assaulted... with a tub of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter". Seriously. A few days later, in the International District, a crazy lady walked into the Dim Sum King restaurant and started yelling at everyone to "go back to China". To emphasize her position, she sprayed several employees and patrons with soy sauce AND chocolate milk. She brought the chocolate milk with her. She was arrested. And in England, a guy by the name of Leon Smith was in bed sleeping when his girlfriend climbed into bed with him and started cuddling. Nah... it wasn't his girlfriend. It was a wild fox that had crept in through the cat door. Upon discovering the animal in his bed, they continued to cuddle for another 10 minutes before the fox got bored and wandered off. True. Sometimes these things happen... albeit, not very often. Maybe you've unexpectedly been covered in imitation butter, soy sauce, chocolate milk, or maybe you, too, have nuzzled with a wild animal... if so, you can answer today's question: WHAT'S BEEN ON YOU... AND HOW DID IT GET THERE?
  13. In response to the oft- asked question, "how are you?", seems like more and more people are answering, "living the dream"... which really makes us wonder just what the heck it is you're dreaming about. So today we wanted to know what YOUR personal dream was. Maybe you wanna go on safari, meet Mick Jagger or be able to burp the alphabet. WHAT IS YOUR DREAM AND HOW ARE YOU LIVING IT?
  14. We have TON'S of information on this very topic. Start here: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/selective_harvest.html http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/bass_limits.html http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/fishing_limits.html And then follow the links at the bottom of each page. Days of reading for your enjoyment! Glenn
  15. So...back on topic. You should reboot your phone at least once a week - doesn't matter the brand or OS of the phone. That solves a lot of problems. They're much more like computers now, and every now and then need a restart to clear all the "gunk" out. When was the last time you rebooted your phone?
  16. Sorry to hear that. I'm going to miss you. But just remember.... You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
  17. We have about 100 videos from the pros talking about all of this, including the costs involved. This is where sponsorship comes into play. These guys can't do what they do without the help of sponsors. Check out the videos http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/#1
  18. Here's the story: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/alabama-rig-ban.html
  19. This article explains what happens and why: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/water-h20.html
  20. A better question would be, what are the odds of a bass reaching double-digit size? You might be surprised at the answer: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/bass-fishing-fish-biology.html
  21. The news world was recently all aflutter after the CIA finally acknowledged the existence of Area 51. Obviously, there's no word on what goes on there, but they finally admitted that, yes, area 51 is a real place. Not sure anyone didn't already know that, but the CIA finally confessed. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it? As far as confessions go, telling people what they already know isn't so tough, but sometimes, sharing something they DON'T know can be a little troubling. Take the guy who just sent a letter to 'Dear Prudence' for advice. He's a widower of five years (after his wife was killed by a drunk driver) but he's met a 'new' woman and they're preparing to move in together. They haven't told her parents about their relationship yet... because the 'new' woman in his life is the younger sister of his dead wife; i.e., they're OTHER daughter and his former sister- in- law. Awkward. And just last week, WWE star Darren Young came out of the closet during an impromptu interview at LAX. Surprise! So, today's question: WHAT DID YOU ADMIT, OR WHAT DID SOMEONE ADMIT TO YOU?
  22. Get a Ranger. They have nice coolers built-in.
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