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  1. Welcome Home!
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  8. Welcome Home!
  9. This is goodness.
  10. We do not publish "hit lists". There's enough negativity in this world. No need to bring it here too.
  11. If I weren't a Seahawk fan, the only thing that would worry me, is the Seahawks!
  12. Not only did the 'Hawks blow out the 49'rs, the fans also set a new Guinness World Record mark for loudest stadium, at 136.6 decibels! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000245314/article/seattle-fans-set-noise-record-in-win-over-49ers .
  13. That's some serious brackish water you're looking at. I've fished that area a few times with minimal success. Your best chances are up river from Longview, further away from the salt water influence. Stay in the sloughs, away from the main channel. HOWEVER - pay extreme attention to the tide charts! You will get stuck otherwise, guaranteed. Those sloughs drain out very quickly when the tide changes. Also, get yourself as many topo maps as possible and study all of them. That area has a lot of hazards that get you in trouble if you're not paying attention. And no single map shows them all. That said, it's a beautiful stretch to fish. You'll have fun.
  14. Use a Senko.
  15. There's several - Flowing Lake Panther Lake Storm Lake Cottage Lake To name a few.
  16. Water temp isn't as big as a factor as most people make it out to be. I've caught bass on buzzbaits on New Year's Day, when the water temps were in the low 40's.
  17. Glenn


    It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from or how you were raised, you have one thing in common with every single person around you; you're really weird. It's a fact of life. Granted, some people are weirder than others, but all of us have some kind of quirk. You might not THINK you do, but you do. If you're in a relationship, there's a solid chance that your significant other has pointed it out to you. If you're lucky enough to be single, think of it like this; other than bathroom visits, if there were cameras in your house recording your every move, what do you think people would comment on the most? A quirk can be something as innocuous as singing in the shower or as certifiable as only eating soup from red bowls. We've all got our things, whatever they might be, so today's question is: WHAT QUIRK ARE YOU WILLING TO ADMIT TO AND WHAT QUIRK FROM SOMEONE ELSE DRIVES YOU NUTS?
  18. School started. He had to scale back to focus on his studies.
  19. On another note...how would you y'all feel if a college angler won the Classic? Well..actually, how do you feel about a college angler making it to the Classic through the college tournament series, given it's not open to everyone....just college anglers...who attend only certain colleges that are part of the circuit. Is this fair?
  20. OUCH!! Man that bites. Love doubles...but a hook in the finger...yikes! That's the #1 reason why I always use pliers with treble hooks.
  21. Lot's of info here! http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bank_fishing.html http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/bank-fishing-tips.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bank_fishing_shore.html http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/bank-fishing-tips-shore.html
  22. Well...since your old and new boss know each other, that pretty much dictates you follow proper protocol. I normally do, but.... One time I worked for a small company where the owners were SO bad, I had to leave. I won't get into specifics, but they were awful. So instead of giving them 2 weeks....I fired THEM. Yes, you read that right. I fired them. I walked into their office, handed them my key, and told them that they weren't qualified to be my manager, so I was firing them. I told them they lacked the skills necessary to help grow me professionally, and lacked basic managerial skills necessary for the job, and so their services weren't needed any more. They were stunned. I turned and walked out the door before they could utter a word. Felt great!
  23. As much as everyone wants to memorialize this day, the same mantra and sentiment was prevalent over 70 years ago. But few under the age of 35 know what Dec. 7th means, or how it changed the U.S. and the world forever. A Day That Shall Live In Infamy, apparently has not. How many folks under the age of 35 will know about 9/11 70 years from now?
  24. The Chiefs are better than most people think, as are the Bengals. Those two teams are going to surprise a lot of folks.
  25. Welcome home!
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