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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. ^^ TRUTH ^^
  2. I'm not a big fan of autopilot. The anchor feature over deeper water is about the only thing I might use it for. As for electric boats? I've been pining for one of these babies for some of the smaller lakes in my area: http://freedomelectricmarine.com/ As for battery issues - lithium batteries are the way to go if you're going all-electric. Expensive as all get out, but you didn't ask about that.
  3. Please read the FAQ's. Thanks!
  4. Perhaps you haven't seen this yet: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/sonarphone.html
  5. Many pages of great opinions later, and you can easily see it's all personal preference. There's no wrong or right answer here. It's all about what gives you confidence.
  6. Looks like a normal day at the office to me.
  7. That statement right there pretty much sums up this entire thread.
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  21. Welcome Home!
  22. Posts have been removed - BY ME! Unwarranted comments not representative of this site will be handled accordingly BY ME! Let's move on to the OP please. Thanks! Glenn
  23. There's no question the Seahawks have had a tougher schedule than the Broncos so far, hands down. There's no debating that. Also, the Dolphins have had a tougher schedule, and they're undefeated as well. in fact, the Dolphins beat the Jaguars by a bigger margin than the Broncos, and yet...it seems Denver gets all the accolades simply because they have Manning. I'm not saying Denver isn't a good team. But over-hyped? Yup. If it weren't for Manning, I doubt they'd be getting nearly as much media love.
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