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  1. Welcome Home!
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  8. Well now if you came to a RoadTrip you'd know, now wouldn't ya? No, I'm not going to name him here. He knows who he is and can make himself known if that's what he wishes. Otherwise, what happens on the boat, stays on the boat!
  9. Ever fall asleep at work? If so, you're not alone. About one- in- five people (22%) admit to having fallen asleep while on the job. Women are more likely to take a 'work nap' and accountants, more than any other profession, are most likely to fall asleep at work. I don't think that needs an explanation. The most shocking thing about 'work naps' (in my opinion, anyway) is the average on- the- clock snooze fest lasts 47 MINUTES! If you can slumber for almost an hour while at work... and no one notices... you have a boring job. While your boss and/ or your coworkers might frown on your work z's, there are worse places to fall asleep. Boring as the average wedding is, falling asleep at one is a no- no... although, falling asleep at a funeral probably trumps that. I think we can all agree that sleeping while driving is one of the worst scenarios. This past Monday in Dallas, a woman driving home after a 13- hour work shift drifted into dreamland and crashed... coincidentally... into a MATTRESS store. Sort of convenient. Truth is; other than being in bed, there are few times that falling asleep works in our favor... and that's what we wanted to talk about today: WHAT DID YOU END UP MISSING BECAUSE YOU WERE ASLEEP?
  10. They're permanently gone. They were deleted years ago. There's no recovery. They no longer exist.
  11. The episode is premiering on WFN Sunday, November 10th!! It's a great show... Airtimes Sunday 11am, 8pm Monday 3am Tuesday 12:30pm, 9:30pm THESE TIMES ARE EST, SO MAKE SURE EVERYONE ADJUSTS FOR THEIR TIME ZONE!
  12. So just to be clear - it was on an old forum system, removed before the migration to the new system. Ergo, it's gone. Sorry.
  13. That section was removed over 6 years ago. Nobody was viewing it, and nobody said anything when it went away. Not sure why it's being questioned now.
  14. An 80- year- old man in Russia had the distinct misfortune of bumping into a bear in a field. The bear did all the growly stuff you'd expect from a bear... and in response, the old man unleashed a flurry of kicks and head- butts until he knocked the bear off balance. Instead of biting the guy, the bear threw the octogenarian off of a cliff. The 80- year- old survived. In California, a 90- year- old man jumped in front of a charging horse (he worked at a race track) to protect a 5- year- old girl in harm's way. Physics being physics, the old man was trampled mightily... but like the bear head- butter above, he survived. And then, yesterday, a 100- year- old man went skydiving for the first time. If you're like me, you'd think he would have been dead by the time he landed... but he survived. Not saying he'll see 101, but he made it. Today's question: WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED YOU'VE DONE AT YOUR AGE?
  15. Welcome home!
  16. Glenn

    Mn Newbie

    Welcome home!
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  21. Welcome home!
  22. Some people say half full. I'm more like, "Who the heck drank my water?" kinda guy!
  23. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/53719-politicalreglious-posts/
  24. Parents can do some things that just make us, their children, cringe. Maybe it's suffering through a sex scene in a movie... and they comment on the action, or they hit a midlife crisis and normally bald father starts rocking the dreaded toupee. The Daily Mail came up with a list of the 10 most cringe- worthy moments with your parents and the above represents two of them. Then there's a story out of Belgium that you'll probably find disturbing. First, you should know that in Belgium, euthanasia is legal for people 18 and older. If you're an adult and feel the need for an assist in your wish, Belgium's got you covered. Here's where it gets messed up; the Belgium government is now considering extending the right to children... as long as they have the consent of their parents. Think about that. Sure, as a parent, there are times we wanna "kill" the kids, but figuratively. The idea of signing off on their literal death is just messed way up beyond comprehension. Just me? I'm all for parents supporting their kids decisions, but wow. Look, maybe your parents were the cool ones who let you and your knuckle-head friends underage drink in the basement; or they encouraged you to beat the crap out of that jerk neighbor kid, but today we wanted to know: WHAT WERE YOU SHOCKED YOUR PARENTS WERE COOL WITH?
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